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Sarah Jio Books In Order

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Publication Order of Standalone Novels

The Violets of March(2011)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Bungalow(2011)Description / Buy at Amazon
Blackberry Winter(2012)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Last Camellia(2013)Description / Buy at Amazon
Morning Glory(2013)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Look of Love(2014)Description / Buy at Amazon
Goodnight June(2014)Description / Buy at Amazon
Always(2015)Description / Buy at Amazon
All the Flowers in Paris(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
With Love from London / The Bookshop on Primrose Hill(2022)Description / Buy at Amazon

When the name Sarah Jio hits any USA novel lover, he/she will definitely tell you that Jio is a one of the bestselling novelist that the USA has ever seen in this century. In most of her published books, she profoundly talks about Seattle where she lives with her three children and husband Jason. Jio was born on 18th February 1978 and from a young age, her passion has always been in writing and bring words to live. The publishing industry made her dream come true by naming her the bestselling author in the USA. Web sites such as “New York Times” and “USA Today” have also recognized her effort and named her as one of the bestselling authors in 2011.

Jio had a happy childhood and at the age of ten, she had already written her first book called “A Tug Boat’s Dream”. At this young age, she loved dancing the Norwegian way, roller-skating and it is around this time that she experience her first crushes. She used to be an active member of the debate team and most of her time was spent daydreaming. She happened to move into a new house shortly after surviving the California earthquake. During her years in college, she had three part time jobs and owned her first apartment in Seattle where she started soul searching. Soon after college, she got married and wrote many articles for many media houses, always busy trying to meet deadlines and she appeared in the Oprah magazine but sadly, she lost her beloved granddad.

Later in 2005, she was a regular contributor for and published many books that gained international recognition. Most of her books have been sold to over 27 countries while competing with great names such as Maya Angelou. Year 2013 was a big year for her as she is crowned the bestseller in more than five countries and eventually growing stronger in spirit.

Jio books have been published in more than 27 countries, and she majorly talks about love, romance, destiny, personal connections and many other touching matters that affect us as human beings on the daily basis. Her well-known books published include:

The violets of March – Life turned around Emily Wilson who ten years down had been the bestselling author but then luckily she discovers a velvet diary when her aunt Bee invited her. The diary reveals a remarkable connection to of her life.

The bungalow – Anne Calloway who has just been engaged sets off to the pacific island to give her service for the Army Nurse Corps. She is later on attracted to Westry a mystifying soldier and their friendship grow until they witness a grim crime. Westry will be redeployed and Anne is determined to know the truth about love and the twin losses of life

Blackberry winter – based on a storm that happened in Seattle in 1932 May, where Vera Ray a single mom goes for a night-shift work a local hotel leaving her three-year-old son behind only to discover that the storm destroyed the city where she left her child. A reporter from herald is determined to find out the truth about the storm and another that took place the eight years ago on the same date. Claire later discovers that her fate and Vera’s are interlinked in many ways.

The last camellia – This novel remains to be one of the mysterious novels that Jio ever wrote, based during the world war time, from a plant known as Middlebury Pink and its species being camellia. A female botanist is contracted to acquire the plant but mysteriously she is shocked by the grim crimes of the plant. More than 50 years later, Addison inhabits the same place and despite the gardener’s notebook of the camellia orchard, she wants to know more about the mysterious plant. Will her fate be the same as the botanists?

Morning Glory – Ada Santorini who lives in a houseboat after fleeing east coast discovers a trunk left by a predecessor who used to live in the same houseboat a century earlier, she yearns to know the fate of her predecessor not knowing that their fate will meet.

Goodnight June – June Anderson is described as being a successful woman in her profession with a little happiness in her life, June stumbles upon letters of her aunt Ruby and the late Margaret white when she is unexpectedly called to determine the future of the children’s bookstore owned by her aunt Ruby.

The look of love – it’s based on a fictional character known as Jane Williams, who receives a rare Christmas gift from a mystical woman on her 29th birthday, where she faces death consequences if she doesn’t identify the six types of love.

Sarah has written countless articles for different magazines and organizations such as Oprah magazine, Marie Claire, Fitness, Redbook, and so many others. Most of the blogs she wrote focused on health and fitness.

Nora Ephron heavily influenced Jio’s work and it was such a sad moment when Nora Ephron passed away back in 2012. Following the footsteps of Nora Ephron, Jio brings life into words and her vivid description of events leave her audience yearning for more.

Jio publicly confesses that she was haunted by a lie for 13 years at where she lied to her friend that she has been up in a hot air balloon, she came clean and confessed after searching for people with such little hidden lies as her and she finally was relieved of the heavy burden that she had been carrying for years. Jio, in this case, brings her inner self to the public at large and helps the community at large realize the impact of a lie in one’s life.

Most of her books have been released from Penguin (Plume) and have gained numerous praises and recognition from many recognized media houses. Her dedication, motivation, determination, and ambition have inspired many of us despite all the challenges she still emerges as one of the best authors the USA has ever renowned.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Sarah Jio

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