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Shannon Baker Books In Order

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Publication Order of Kate Fox Books

Publication Order of Michaela Sanchez Books

Echoes in the Sand(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Desert's Share(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Nora Abbott Books

Tainted Mountain / Height of Deception(2013)Description / Buy at Amazon
Broken Trust / Skies of Fire(2014)Description / Buy at Amazon
Tattered Legacy / Canyon of Lies(2015)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Ashes of the Red Heifer(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Desert Behind Me(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Anthologies

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Shannon Baker is an award-winning mystery author who has made a reputation for herself writing novels about dangerous situations in which strong women find themselves.
Baker penned “Ashes of the Red Heifer” her debut novel in 2010 and has since then penned more than fourteen novels.

Seconds before she gave up on becoming a fiction author and becoming a competitive drinker, she won the 2014 Writer of the Year Award from the Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers.
With that confidence, she continued writing and won several more awards over the years.

Most of her works are usually set in the American West from the Southern Arizona deserts to the Nebraska prairies and the Colorado Rockies with their iconic landscapes.
Shannon spent more than two decades living in the Nebraska Sandhills where there were at least 50 cows for every human.

Shannon currently makes her home in Tucson Arizona and calls herself a love of rivers, mountains, oceans, and plains which is why she can often be found traipsing in the outdoors.
In fact, “Tainted Mountain” the debut novel of the “Nora Abbot Mystery” series is set in the small Arizona town of Flagstaff, where she made a home for several years.

While Shannon Baker always loved writing and was the winner of many awards when she was young, she never believed she would ever become a professional author.

In college, she was taking business studies when her English professor encouraged her to consider changing her major since she was very good with language.

Baker did not take the professor seriously, as she did not believe she could make any money writing. Still, his words stayed with her until years later, and isolated in the Sandhills, she started thinking of making something that was purely hers.

It was at this time that she joined the Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers and began writing, even though she did not believe she would ever become successful at it. However, she kept writing and raising the bar as she learned about the craft.
Setting small goals such as winning the amateur award by the RMFW, she ultimately got a small publisher to purchase her work in 2010.

Later on, she got signed on to Midnight Ink, which would become the publisher of arguably her best-known series in the “Nora Abbott Mystery” series. Aside from Midnight Ink, she has also been signed on by several other big five publishing houses.

Now a full-time author, she spends much of her time writing with a target of about 2000 words by mid-morning.

She will then take a break to read for several hours after which she does some yoga or walks her dog. In the afternoon, she will usually check on emails and do some marketing even though this is an ideal day.
On days that are more chaotic, she can find herself entrenched in Facebook and long emails and sometimes goes on five-mile long runs with her dog. During the summer months, she will sometimes dive and lounge in her pool for several hours at a time.

Some of the places she has been to on her jaunts include the Grand Canyon with her daughter and a 5-day cycling tour in Santa Fe. Other than that, she often loves to sit on her deck with a cocktail watching the Arizona sunset.

Shannon Baker’s novel “Stripped Bare” introduces Kate Fox, a woman living a great life.

She is the wife to Ted Conner the sheriff in Grand County and is also the heir to the beautiful cattle ranch named Nebraska Sandhills, where they live with Carly her orphaned teenage niece.
Working with the Fox Clan which has some good connections such as Kate’s eight interfering and boisterous siblings, Ted is virtually assured of being reelected.

This means Kate has the satisfaction of her own slice of heaven in Fog Creek, where she finds satisfaction and solitude.

But one night, Kate gets a call informing her that Eldon the owner of the ranch just dropped dead and Ted her husband has been involved in a shooting incident and may never get back the use of his limbs.
Kate is determined to find the killer and vows to do so. Things only get worse when she learns that Ted had been so fast to the scene since he was with another woman at the bar where the incident occurred.
To add to her woes, the woman her husband had been sleeping with has disappeared. Another complication is that Eldon was considering selling his farm to some immensely rich environmentalist.

In “Dark Signal” by Shannon Baker opens with Kate still reeling from her recently concluded divorce. She had just been sworn in as the sheriff of Grand County in Nebraska when she has to deal with a huge tragedy.
Chad Mills an engineer had been killed in a railroad accident and this had left Bobby Jenkins the conductor in shock. Kate’s investigations indicate that there may have been foul play involved.

She needs to find someone with a motive for the killing and starts with the enemies he had made when he was head of the railroad workers union.

In the meantime, the man’s widow has been acting very strangely and she also learns that Josh Stevens their neighbor has been at their house on the night when the accident occurred.

While her meddling and very loud family conspired to help Kate deal with the messy divorce, Trey the State Patrol Officer has been closing in on Josh Stevens who he believes is their man.

Kate disagrees with the officer as she believes she knows the people and the land her whole life even though she does not have the experience. There is something missing and Kate will have to find the real killer before he kills again.

Shannon Baker’s novel “Bitter Rain” opens with Kate getting a phone call late a night from an unidentified woman. She says she needs help and is currently motoring across the Indian reservation.

Kate leaves her house and heads to meet her but before leaving the county she sees a car rolled over off the road and another stopped vehicle.

The stationary vehicle belongs to the neighboring county’s sheriff who has never liked Kate. He asserts that he just got onto the scene to find it deserted.

Kate thinks his behavior is weird and wonders how he came to be in her county when nothing about a wreck had been on dispatch. Every county in Sandhills comes with its own sheriff and a shared deputy that only works the weekends.
Kyle Red Owl the deputy has police experience and is also a former military man who grew up in the Indian Reservation and none of the male sheriffs trust, like, or respect him.

Kate had insisted on the man being hired as he always does a good job and has the experience to boot. Soon enough they find out that the car in the ditch belongs to Kate’s sister and she seems to have gone missing.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Shannon Baker

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