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Shveta Thakrar Books In Order

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Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Star Daughter(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Dream Runners(2022)Description / Buy at Amazon
Divining the Leaves(2025)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Clockwork Phoenix Books

Clockwork Phoenix (By: Tanith Lee,John Wright,Deborah Biancotti,Laird Barron,Mike Allen,Vandana Singh,Catherynne M. Valente,Cat Rambo,Cat Sparks,John Grant,Ekaterina Sedia,Leah Bobet,Erin Hoffman,Michael J. DeLuca,Jennifer Crow,C.S. MacCath,David Sandner,Marie Brennan,Joanna Galbraith)(2008)Description / Buy at Amazon
Clockwork Phoenix 2 (By: Tanith Lee,Mary Robinette Kowal,Steve Rasnic Tem,Saladin Ahmed,Forrest Aguirre,Mike Allen,Catherynne M. Valente,Claude Lalumière,Kelly Barnhill,Gemma Files,Ian McHugh,Leah Bobet,Barbara Krasnoff,Marie Brennan,Ann Leckie,Joanna Galbraith,Stephen J. Barringer)(2009)Description / Buy at Amazon
Clockwork Phoenix 3: New Tales of Beauty and Strangeness (By: Tanith Lee,John Wright,Gregory Frost,Michael M. Jones,Mike Allen,Cat Rambo,John Grant,Kenneth Schneyer,Shweta Narayan,C.S.E. Cooney,Gemma Files,Georgina Bruce,Marie Brennan,Nicole Kornher-Stace,Tori Truslow,S.J. Hirons)(2010)Description / Buy at Amazon
Clockwork Phoenix 4 (By: Tanith Lee,Richard Parks,A.C. Wise,Mike Allen,Yves Meynard,Cat Rambo,Kenneth Schneyer,Gemma Files,Alisa Alering,Ian McHugh,Benjanun Sriduangkaew,Shira Lipkin,Barbara Krasnoff,Patricia Russo,Camille Alexa,Marie Brennan,Nicole Kornher-Stace,Yukimi Ogawa,Corinne Duyvis)(2013)Description / Buy at Amazon
Clockwork Phoenix 5 (With: Alex Dally MacFarlane,A.C. Wise,Mike Allen,Keffy R.M. Kehrli,Rich Larson,Cassandra Khaw,C.S.E. Cooney,Carlos Hernandez,Benjanun Sriduangkaew,Sonya Taaffe,Beth Cato,Barbara Krasnoff,Patricia Russo,Gray Rinehart,Marie Brennan,Sam Fleming,Holly Heisey,Jason Kimble,Rachael L. Jones,Rob Cameron,Sunil Patel)(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
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Publication Order of Anthologies

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Shveta Thakrar
Shveta Thakrar is an Asian author of young-adult, fantasy, short stories, and science fiction books. Her Debut book Star Daughter has created quite a wave in the literature world thanks to its beautiful cover and unique storyline. Shveta has also worked with different authors in writing best-selling novels such as A Thousand Beginnings and Endings and Toil & Trouble. When she is not writing, Shveta enjoys baking, traveling, and playing on her harp.
Star Daughter
Star Daughter is a fantasy novel that features Sheeta; a young girl determined to help her family. Sheetal is the daughter of a mortal and a star. Her family is all perfect until her human father gets injured by star fire. Only a full star can heal Sheeta’s father. However, Sheeta’s mum, who is a full star, already returned to the sky long ago. This leaves Sheeta no choice but to undertake a quest in search of a star that can restore her dad’s health.
This mission takes Sheeta to a heavenly court. Here, she encounters dark shadows and shinning wonders. She also gets into a competition where she has to act as the family champion. The competition is done to choose the ruling house. Failure to participate in this competition would mean that Sheetal would miss an opportunity to return to her father. Albeit all the challenges that Sheeta encounters in her search for a star, she never gives up. In the end, she gets what she wants.
This is a story about a girl who has struggled all her life to belong. Torn between two cultures, Sheeta always struggled with her identity, and having to grow with only one parent hasn’t been easy. It is beautiful that in the end, the girl comes to terms with her situation. Even though the story also comes with a love interest, the main focus is on Sheeta’s development through the challenges that life throws at her. This situation captures the reality for many young adults caught between situations they have no control over. It is possible to overcome any challenge as long as you are determined.
Aside from the intriguing story, the author has done a great job of developing the characters. Every character in this story adds nuance to it. Also, it helps that all of the characters are well fleshed out and developed. The way the story is told makes the reader want to get into the Star Court world together with Sheeta and experience this adventure with her. The pace is consistent throughout, and it will be hard to put down this book once you start reading it.
Star daughter is a welcome break from the mystery stories available for young adults. While the book focuses on real-life issues, the storyline is unique, making this a perfect read if you are looking for something out of the ordinary. The book cover is quite attractive, and just like the story, it will hook you at first sight. Take this journey with a girl who doesn’t understand who she is, but she is not afraid to go to extra lengths for the people she loves.
A Thousand Beginnings and Endings
A Thousand Beginnings and Endings is a story featuring meddling immortals, star-crossed lovers, and feigned identities. Fifteen best-selling authors tell this South and East Asian folklore. Get to read the story of a mountain that loses her heart, a young man who is forced to learn the meaning of sacrifice, and two sisters who turn into birds and escape from captivity, among other intriguing stories.
In this anthology, each of the 15 contributing authors tells the favorite legends and myths in their culture. The book starts with a traditional Filipino tale about a guardian spirit linked to Mount Makiling, who makes the mistake of falling in love with a human. In the end, the spirit loses her heart. Things get more interesting from here, and the following 14 stories are nothing but entertaining.
Each of the authors gives a brief background on their inspiration while offering a description of the original fork tale. The authors incorporate names and words from the language that reflect the culture described in the story. It is fun to compare the original story and see how the authors have used their creativity to add volume to them. The creativity doesn’t come as a surprise given that all the authors are best sellers whose contribution to the young adult writing sets them apart.
One prominent theme in almost all the stories is hardships, especially for female characters. It is amazing how these characters found different ways to conquer and overcome their struggles. All of these women forged their paths, which is admirable. Even though the characters are mythical, there are a lot of lessons here, especially for young women. Challenges have always been a part of life, but they can be conquered, and every young girl has the power to overcome whatever trial comes their way.
These stories come in various tones ranging from tragic to heartwarming. With more than enough options to choose from, any young adult who picks this book will surely find a story that they can relate to. Readers who have read about this fork tales or heard them in their community will find the contemporary version better than the original since there is more to the story, and the characters are somewhat believable. Each of the authors gives their story a new spin and adds meaning and depth to their characters.
This collection of stories is a perfect choice if you want to know a little more about Asian culture. Designed with young adults in mind, the collection comes with enough lessons that the target audience can put into good use. From cautionary tales to tales of love, loss, and redemption, this collection is the whole package as far as young adult reading is concerned. The narration is excellent throughout the book. While the stories are short, there is enough to leave a mark and teach the reader a thing or two about life.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Shveta Thakrar

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