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Sidney Halston Books In Order

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Publication Order of Seeing Red Books

Publication Order of Worth the Fight Books

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Kiss Marry Kill(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
Last First Kiss(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
Kiss Kiss Bang(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Worth the Fight and Panic Crossover Books

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Sidney Halston is the pen name of Jeanette Escudero, an American author who was born in Miami, Florida. She and her husband have three children. She currently lives in South Florida.

Before beginning her writing career at 30, Halston worked as an attorney. She is a self-described ardent reader and voracious writer.

Halston’s niche is romance, chick lit, and contemporary genres. Her literary work has been compared to renowned American writers Vi Keeland (like Halston, an attorney as well as an author), Kendall Ryan, Sarah Castille, and Katy Evans.

According to Sidney Halston, there is no specific thing that inspires her, but anything and everything, ranging from videos, books, and music to TV shows and Google search. For instance, Sidney Halston’s husband is a mixed martial artist and he inspired a complete series. Halston, who is susceptible to panic attacks, created a character called Catherine in the 2016 book, Pull Me Close, based on her anxiety disorder.

Halston’s earliest romantic suspense book, Kiss Marry Kill, was inspired by a sexy YouTube video that she chanced upon via Facebook. She was moved by the way the characters in the video kissed and held each other’s hands.

Sidney Halston has penned several series, including duologies and a sextet. The earliest series is a duology, Seeing Red, initially published in 2013. Jillian Stone is the central character, a twenty-something clairvoyant who is nicknamed Red. Jillian is an introvert, intelligent and independent, who is pursuing a law degree.

Jillian has two childhood friends who are identical twin brothers, Oliver and Alexander Jacobs. The three of them spent their formative years together on an abandoned island after a plane crash claimed the lives of their mothers. They were raised by the crash survivors, primarily Helen.

The turning point in Seeing Red is the death of Helen. After being separated from each other for seven years, they meet again during her funeral. Oliver and Alexander, all grown up, are arousing entirely different feelings than childhood friendship. Complicating things even more, she has also caught her law professor’s eye.

Best Sidney Halston Books
The following three books are part of Halston’s six-book series, Worth the Fight. Book one is Against the Cage, initially published in 2014. Full Contact is the second book in the series. The third book is Below the Belt, published in 2015. Inspired by Halston’s real-life spouse, who is a martial artist, the series generally revolves around attractive and seductive mixed martial fighters with a soft spot for women.

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The Universe Series is by Devon Herrera, an American author living in Cheyenne, Wyoming. Each book is about a unique couple who disregard the rules and instincts that have shaped their hitherto sheltered personal lives and reluctantly leave their cocoons.

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Book Series In Order » Authors » Sidney Halston

One Response to “Sidney Halston”

  1. Karen Quinet: 3 years ago

    Dear Sidney,

    I just finished The Apology Project and want you to know that I enjoyed it immensely. This is the first book that I have read which you have authored. Amelia/Millie was a delightful, flawed, honest and unique character. Her insights were so often revelations that, while extremely humorous, were also thought provoking for me as well. I thoroughly enjoyed your style of writing and look forward to your next project. Perhaps, not a fair question, but do your former publications provide the insights, humor, honesty and thought provoking moments that The Apology Project presented?

    By the way, I reside in St. Augustine so we are practically neighbors!

    I wish you much success and happiness in your future endeavors. I assume that you don’t miss your career as an attorney at all.


    Karen Quinet


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