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Simon Kernick Books In Order

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Publication Order of The Bone Field Books

Publication Order of Dennis Milne Books

The Business of Dying(2002)Description / Buy at Amazon
A Good Day to Die(2005)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Payback(2011)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Scope Books

Publication Order of Tina Boyd Books

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

The Murder Exchange(2003)Description / Buy at Amazon
Severed(2007)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Witness(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
We Can See You(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
Kill a Stranger(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
Good Cop Bad Cop(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon
The First 48 Hours(2023)Description / Buy at Amazon
You All Die Tonight(2024)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Short Stories/Novellas

Wrong Time, Wrong Place(2012)Description / Buy at Amazon
Dead Man's Gift and Other Stories(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Anthologies

+ Click to View all Anthologies

Simon Kernick is a British writer who was born in 1966 in Slough, a satellite town of London located about 20 miles west of Charing Cross. Simon spent several years working odd jobs and traveling after leaving school. He spent time as a barman, a stockroom assistant and even a fruit-picker. After traveling to the U.S., Canada and Australia, he came back to the UK and enrolled in Brighton Polytechnic, where he graduated in 1991 with a degree in Humanities. With a recession in full swing, getting permanent employment was difficult after a few other odd jobs and a period on social aid, he became a software salesman, a position he maintained for the rest of his pre-author years. Obviously, software was not where Simon Kernick’s passion laid. He had a keen interest in writing, particularly in the crime/ thriller genre. He wrote during his spare time and completed two crime novels between 1995-96. Despite his best effort these were rejected by every agent they were sent to. Undeterred, Simon persevered and had a breakthrough with The Business of Dying. The novel allowed Simon to get a literary agent and was quickly sold to Transworld Publishing, which remains his publisher today. The novel was hailed as an extraordinary first novel and paved the way to a successful series of novels that are hard to put down. He has matured within his craft and now is a master of the race against time thriller.

Characters and Series:

Most of Simon Kernick’s novels are stand alone adventures, but his beginnings in the writing world were accomplished on the back of an interesting character, who is the protagonist in three of his novels.

Dennis Milne is a London police officer, a sergeant in fact. Dennis has a secret that makes him a rather interesting individual, he supplements his income by working as a part time hit man. In Simon Kernick’s debut novel The Business of Dying, we are introduced to this fascinating individual. As the novel opens two people are waiting in a car with the intent of killing three unarmed men in a parking lot. Dennis Milne and his partner Danny believe they are disposing of a few drug dealers. The hit goes off rather well. The three targets are eliminated and their car is set on fire. Dennis is seen by a girl, but simply walks away, he will not kill an innocent. Dennis and Danny go their separate ways. Dennis is then stopped at a road block and while showing his ID we discover that he is a police officer. Dennis goes about his life in a normal way. This is not the first time he has done this. As the story unfolds. Dennis takes a new case while finding out his victims were not drug dealers but actually two custom officers and an accountant. What follows is a series of action packed scenes with Dennis trying to solve his case while trying to find out why he was paid to kill the three victims. In the end, and after a few near misses he solves the crimes, but is forced to leave the UK with a fake passport and a new appearance.

After the initial promise of this wonderful character, Simon Kernick did what very few authors have ever done and wrote about someone else. The wait for the reemergence of Milne was worth it. In the second novel of the series A Good Day to Die, Milne is living in the Philippines under an assumed identity. He finds out that his partner Malik has been murdered in a restaurant.

Unable to let things rest Milne decides to go back to London and avenge his ex-partner’s death. Although he has not informed anyone of his arrival in London it seems there are those who are aware of it and are out to stop his investigations into the murder. After getting reporter Emma Neilson to help, he finds out that the murder involved people of great influence and provides for interesting plot twists and excitement.

After this incredible novel Simon Kernick once more put Dennis Milne to rest for a lengthy period of time. It was not until six years later did the character finally re-emerge in the novel The Payback. The fact that Kernick can put this fine character on the shelf for long periods of time and bring him out only when a story idea that is suited for the jaded character arrises is a testament to his talent and integrity.

Relentless: The Breakout:

Although Dennis Milne is a great character, he is not in Simon Kernick’s most widely praised and critically acclaimed novel. Relentless was published in 2006 and it is the most gripping of all the tales that Kernick has produced. It is a story of John Meron, a normal family man who, after receiving a phone call from an old friend, is thrust into a wild chase. There are murderers who will stop at nothing to dispose of him, to further complicate matters his wife is missing and the police want him for murder. This novel is a face paced thriller that cannot be put down. As of yet, none of Simon Kernick’s works have been made into films, which is a absolute travesty as they would keep an audience engaged with the non-stop action that they provide. Relentless would be the ideal story to produce on the big screen. Much like the novel, time would fly by as you are engulfed into a race against time whose outcome is unpredictable.

The Best is on its way:

Even though Relentless was produced several years ago and still maintains its place, in my mind, as Simon Kernick’s top work, he has shown a constant improvement in his story telling ability. His plots and characters seem to be getting richer with each novel. One can only assume that his work will continue to improve. His novels are an escapists dream: Hard to put down, engaging and flowing with a pace that lets time go by without notice. His works are ideal if you want a good story, with strong characters that will make your heart beat a little faster and keep you wondering how it will all end until the last chapter.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Simon Kernick

9 Responses to “Simon Kernick”

  1. Ann Moffat: 2 months ago

    I have read all Simons books and Ray Mason is definitely the best character…

  2. Michael fox: 1 year ago

    One year later I am now left with just 3 more Simon Kernick books to go. Are there new additions in the pipe line?

  3. Michael fox: 2 years ago

    Found Simon Kernick books late. Am now trying to collect them all(I have 6 so far). Hardbacks only.

  4. Felice De Martin: 2 years ago

    Great writer with fantastic plots. So far I have read all his books bar 3 (which I have in my library) and I have recommended him to my circle of friends. I compare Simon to a great wine, you don’t want to rush the reading of his books but enjoy them at leisure to derive all the pleasure they generate. May he continue to write forever.

  5. Werner Keiffenheim: 3 years ago

    So far I have only read a few of your books -but I will read the all. Great suspense-packed stuff.

  6. Steve Cole: 3 years ago

    Just finished reading the Tina Boyd series, loved them all, when is the next one coming out ??


  7. Werner Keiffenheim: 3 years ago

    I like your suspence packed books.
    Keep it up it?s appreciated

  8. Sarah Milner Carr: 7 years ago

    Can anyone tell me in which Simon Kernick book did DI John Gallon die?

    • Joel Ssenabulya: 6 years ago

      Relentless..i guess…but it has John Gallan as Tina Boyd’s ex boyfriend.


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