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Spencer Kope Books In Order

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Publication Order of Special Tracking Unit Books

Collecting the Dead(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
Whispers of the Dead(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
Shadows of the Dead(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
Echoes of the Dead(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

When the Drummer Falls(1995)Description / Buy at Amazon
Last Ride in the Bumblebee Jacket(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon

Spencer Kope started writing while serving in the Navy. He first began by penning down short stories before starting his very first novel while he was in the Persian Gulf aboard the USS Lasalle in the year 1984. The Tanker War between Iran and Iraq was on going, and due to the fact that Kope was under a 12-hour shift, he still found time to work on his novel on a yellow notepad. The Cold War was still going on, and Kope came up with the story about a surprise invasion by the United States in the Soviet Union. All this was greatly influenced by the time that Kope had spent learning Russian while at the Defense Language Institute which is located in Monterey. In this institutions, a majority of his instructors were former Soviet Citizens and also the Goodfellow Air Base, which is located in San Angelo, California.

The story was mainly about some high school friends who used to hide in the woods and the n undertake hit and run raid on the Soviet Union Forces. All this happened when a new member of Kope’s small unit had arrived from the United States. When Spencer Kope eagerly explained to the new members the premise of the story, he was told that the story was to similar to a new movie had just been released called Red Dawn.

Best Spencer Kope Books

One of the best performing books by Spencer Kope is Collecting the Dead. In Collecting the Dead, the author introduces the reader to agent Magnus Craig who has been working for the FBI Tracking Unit for more than 5 years. Magnus is referred to as the Human Bloodhound, though this time around it I not the smell that he follows. It is only three people who know Magnus’s secret; he possess a gift. He has the ability to see footsteps, steps, just like bunches of light is only what he can see. Magnus has to pretend each time he is working on a case so that he can be able to hide his secret.

However, he has been getting extremely tired of finding dead bodies He usually possesses two scrapbooks. One of the scrapbooks is black and has the pictures of the victims that he was not successful in saving. The other scrapbook is white and has the pictures of the few people that he happened to save and are still alive. They include lost joggers, children who had wandered away and mountain climbers. Agent Jimmy Donovan and steps are summoned to hunt down a serial killer whom they refer to as Sad Face. Someplace within the vicinity of the crime scene or alternatively on the victim’s body is usually a drawing with a sad face. The killer is exceedingly smart, and furthermore, he is also more than determined. All of his victims are similar; they are all young women who have brown hair.

They also find five people who they believe are the killer’s first victim. Something happens, and the two hope that this can be the thread that they have been looking for. From here on, it gets a little bit more suspenseful as the two close in on the suspect. There is even much more suspense when the two find the killers burial field. There are several women who are missing, some of whom may still be alive and breathe. With that being said, Kope has managed to deliver an exceedingly convincing detail about inter-agency co-operation and policing practices, thereby giving this book an authentic heft. The protagonist is unbalanced by his unseen ability, and from time to time overwhelmed by the impact of the hidden ability, thereby he is unable to function without analgesia. There are resonances of Will Graham about the main character, in the manner in which he not only sees but also the way in which he interprets a crime scene in an exceedingly exquisite and awful detail.

Craig’s gift is undeniably a burden since he rarely sleeps soundly. However, the author steers the book’s atmosphere away from excessive melancholy and misery and the horror of the Hannibal and uses the nuts and bolts of the statements provided by the witnesses, data and DNA analysis and evidence collection. The author’s writing is not only fluid but also natural. It clearly describes the world through Craig’s eyes, saturated with the swirling psychedelic shades and the tale-tell textures, and unique to each individual. The author also brings a rather unsettling logic of the menace, to the wilderness of the woodlands and gracefully nails the jargon, slang, and banter to the policing agencies throughout the world.

This book will unquestionably have you hooked from the very first page to the last. You may have seen dedication before, but you may have never seen any as touching and as raw as the one written by Spencer Kope. It is not only exceedingly beautiful but also by reading the story; you are definitely going to have something extra instilled in you. The story was full of mystery and intrigue, and on numerous occasions, you will be on the edge of your seat. The characters were easy to understand and love. And irrespective of the dark nature of the work of these characters, their snarky wit is exceedingly interesting.

Perception is also another excellent read from Spencer Kope. Perception is a novel that grew out of a short story that had been penned down by the author several years ago. This book is an exploration of human traits and emotions and also how they sometimes conflict with one another. Through conflict, there are those who will be destroyed, and there are those who will be elevated. The main character in this book is Esteem, who finds himself cast on the shores of River Sensate, which is located in the Kingdom of Perception. The Kingdom of perception is ruled by a King named Doubt and his sister’s Hatred and Anger. As Esteem ventures forward, he is hailed as the person mentioned in the prophecy, the person who is going to end the rule of King Doubt and also place perception back to its course. As he goes along the way, Esteem meets with characters such as Lady Love, Forgiveness and Conscience.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Spencer Kope

3 Responses to “Spencer Kope”

  1. Jean: 9 months ago

    Love this series! Steps is a wonderful character. Echos of the Dead left us hanging, are there plans for a 5th book?

  2. Paul Smith: 2 years ago

    I just finished reading Echoes of the Dead. Very good read. From cover to cover. Waiting on your next one. I will pass book along to friend who should enjoy the book too.

  3. Linda: 4 years ago

    Love the protagonist – Steps– and the stories. Have read all three of these and have When the Drummer Falls on my future books to read list. Hope there is another in about Mangus Craig series soon.


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