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Stephen White Books In Order

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Publication Order of Alan Gregory Books

Stephen White Biography:

Stephen White, author of more than a dozen books that have become New York Times Bestsellers, was born in Long Island, New York, United States of America, in 1951. He spent his growing-up years in New York, New Jersey, and in Southern California. He enrolled at the University of California campuses in Irvine and Los Angeles. He majored in creative writing but stopped after three weeks. It is in Berkeley that he graduated in 1972.

Before graduating from Berkeley, Stephen White learned to pilot a small plane. He worked at Universal Studios as a tour guide, as cook and waiter in a restaurant in Berkeley, and as a bar tender in Boulder, Colorado.

Stephen White, The Clinical Psychologist

In 1979, Stephen White was conferred Ph.D. degree by the University of Colorado in Boulder. His research paper on the psychological effects of marital problems especially on men appeared in Psychological Bulletin. It was also featured in professional journals and some books, making him asan authority in the field of clinical psychology.

White was employed by public and private institutions after he received his doctorate degree. He served at the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center. Later, he worked at The Children’s Hospital in Denver. It is while working here that he began focusing on the cancer patients in the hospital’s pediatric ward.

While working at The Children’s Center, he met Jonathan Kellerman, another pediatric psychologist working in Los Angeles. Stephen White and Jonathan Kellerman were two among a dozen psychologists specializing in pediatric oncology or children’s cancer at that time.

Stephen White’s Writing Career

Writing seems to be in Stephen’s blood considering that his older brother, Richard, is also a writer. His two well known books were Railroaded and Ahanagran. The first book recounts the history of transcontinental railroad and how it changed the lives of Americans and the face of America. The second book tells the story of their mother’s life from her life as a child in Ireland until she came to America. Richard received a grant and was a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize.

Stephen went on to follow his older brother’s footsteps as a writer but on different topics. In 1989, Stephen began writing his first book, Privileged Information. This became the first book of the Dr. Alan Gregory Series, which now has 20 books.

The Dr. Alan Gregory Series

Stephen White became famous for his Dr. Alan Gregory Series, which is composed of 20 books that are psychological thrillers. These novels became best sellers and have been loved by many readers. The novels feature Dr. Alan Gregory, a psychologist, as the major character and in a few books, as a minor character. The setting is always in Boulder, Colorado, where the author has practiced and resided.

The plot of the novels revolves around Dr. Alan Gregory and people close to him, and his patients. A murder is committed and Dr. Gregory starts to solve the crime. To many, the plot looks simple but the author’s ability to create dialog plus his broad experience and knowledge on how the human mind works make his books always a good read.

First and Second Books in the Dr. Alan Gregory Series

Privileged Information

This first book in the Dr. Alan Gregory series tackles the issue about privileged information between doctor and patient. In this novel, Dr. Gregory’s patient, a woman, died of overdose, a suicide. During the investigation, he was caught between his obligation to help the authorities solve the case by providing information about the patient and remaining true to his patients by keeping the information private. Then, several of his patients died and he became the primary suspect. He got hold of a patient’s diary that will clear his name but he still has reservations because the diary contains privileged information.

The novel has lots of turns and twists, making it a great suspense thriller. The first book received good reviews and a warm welcome from the reading public. Despite the fact that Stephen White did not plan to write a series, it just seems fit to add another sequel to Dr. Alan Gregory’s book and this resulted to the birth of the Book 2 in the series, Private Practices.

Private Practices

In this novel, Alan Gregory and his partner, Dr. Diane Estevez, were invaded by a man blaming the psychotherapist, Diane Estevez, for his wife’s decision to divorce him. It moved into the deaths of two witnesses in a grand jury. With Detective Sam Purdy, Dr. Gregory struggles to put together the puzzle that broke the peace in the Rocky Mountain.

How His Work Affected His Books

Stephen White’s books are psychological thrillers. The fact that he is a practicing clinical psychologist helped in his presentation of his characters and in the writing of the dialogs. Dr. Alan Gregory does not represent Stephen White. But this character has the benefit of Stephen’s knowledge regarding the things that motivate humans to act in certain ways and through this, Dr. Alan Gregory becomes a believable character.

The excellent dialogs that can be found in his novels are attributed to his actual practice. He has listened to patients’ monologue during work hours every day and these gave him bases on how the patients in his book speak an act. To him, this is a great training ground for a writer to perfect the dialogues in his book.

Future Plans

After Stephen White has written the 20th book in his series, he plans to make it his last book. Unlike in other mystery series where the books just stopped from coming, he wants a book to signal the end of the series, and this, he tried to convey in his last book.

Stephen White, as an author, grew up with each book in the series, and with each new book he starts, he gains better perspectives as a writer and as a person. He does not expect his books to be made into movies, nor does he believe that he would be recognized by his fans. There were offers to make his book into a movie but they never materialized. But he is more than happy to know that his name will be remembered because Dr. Alan Gregory and Detective Sam Purdy will always stir the name “Stephen White” in everyone’s memory.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Stephen White

17 Responses to “Stephen White”

  1. Gail Smigla: 2 months ago

    Kill Me is the best mystery novel ive ever read! I wish it was made into a movie! Mr. White thank you for helping me cope with my life escaping in your novels!

    • Gail Smiley: 2 weeks ago

      I agree! Kill Me is a terrific book. Just the concept is pretty attention getting, a company that will end your life when you face diminishing if you pay them enough.

  2. Donna K Becker: 10 months ago

    I’d read all of his books except “The Siege.” I finished it last night and believe it may be his best. I hope one day Dr. White will decide to write again. I may just have to re-read all of his novels.

  3. Duane: 2 years ago

    Enjoyed many of the books. Dr. Gregory’s wife with MS brought the many problems I went through with my wife who died with MS in 2015.We suffered through 30 years this dreaded disease. Many problems in the book felt like what we went through. It made me feel not so alone handling the MS. Thank you

  4. Linda Hill: 2 years ago

    I love Stephen White’s books and have read all of them. I even refer to “The Last Lie” when discussing Bryant and the whole professional athlete who is never held responsible. I think he is one of the best writers around and really miss his talent. I’m sure it is a stressful calling, but he really spins a great story!

    • Bre: 10 months ago

      I have his whole series and have been to Boulder which helped me visualize settings. I am a voracious reader and I miss his writing as my Favorite author. I keep checking every couple of years in hopes that there will be a press release that a new book is coming out. Sigh

  5. Karen: 3 years ago

    I hope that this wonderful author can imagine a new series. I have read all 20! Such talent!

  6. Patricia J Carey: 3 years ago

    As a Social Worker and Licensed Mental Health Counselor, in the State of Florida, I want to tell you how much I appreciate your writings, and the approach which you have taken in your books. I wish you would write more. I also wish the best for you and your family. May the Force be with you, whatever that is for you!

  7. Penny Jestes: 3 years ago

    How I loved all 20 of your books! As a librarian, I have recommended them to many patrons. One day, I will happily reread them all.
    How wonderful to stop the series leaving us wanting more!

  8. Teresa Wells: 3 years ago

    I have read all of the Dr Allan Gregory Series of books and had become to think of Dr. Gregory, Sam, and Robin as friends. I truly enjoyed reading about their latest adventures and really miss them. Although I understand that an author might feel as he had taken his character as far as he could but that does not help the void, that your decision to end the series has put in your devoted readers’ lives. Many of us rush out to buy your latest book as soon as it hits the shelves. We are saddend that you
    have decided to put Dr Allan and Sam to rest and are hoping that you haven’t given up writing novels altogether and are anxiously waiting to meet your next wonderful character. Thank you for so many pleasurable hours of reading that you have given us

  9. Jeff Meintzer: 3 years ago

    Thank you for the many hours of enjoyable reading. I believe I have read every fiction book you have written. Thanks again.

  10. Marcia F Olson: 3 years ago

    I’m not sure I read all 20 books in the series, but I loved them. The best moment was when I was sitting in a parking lot on Colorado Boulevard in Denver waiting for my child after an appointment. I was reading one of the Alan Gregory books and the scene was the University Hills shopping center which was right across the street from where I was parked.

  11. Ruthann Curtis: 3 years ago

    I read the whole series of novels in order.
    Twenty books. Excellent!

    Please write another book.

    Thank you.

  12. Lynne Schechter: 3 years ago

    Loved Dr.Gregory and his family. Wish he would please write another. Great style and wonderfully believable stories. When it ended I felt as though I’d lost my longtime friends.

  13. Karen: 3 years ago

    I wish he was still writing stories. I have all 20 books. I enjoyed his writing as I too am a (retired) psychologist.

  14. Lacey Sheridan: 5 years ago

    Interesting. One series, ending in 2013. Nothing since. Wrote himself out I guess.

  15. R O: 7 years ago

    The next to last book was so dark and depressing that there’s no way I’ll read the last one.


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