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Steve Burrows Books In Order

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Publication Order of Birder Murder Mystery Books

A Siege of Bitterns(2014)Description / Buy at Amazon
A Pitying of Doves(2015)Description / Buy at Amazon
A Cast of Falcons(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
A Shimmer of Hummingbirds(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
A Tiding of Magpies(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
A Dance of Cranes(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
A Foreboding of Petrels(2022)Description / Buy at Amazon
A Nye of Pheasants(2024)Description / Buy at Amazon

Known for his keen interest in birdwatching, the British author has taken his pastime and passion over into the world of publishing. With a love of aviary life, he is also an extremely keen and talented writer, with a backlog of work largely based around this interest. Always looking to take his work forwards, he has managed to incorporate this passion into a series of murder mystery novels as well, thus clearly displaying his skills as a multi-talented writer.

Early and Personal Life

Moving to Ontario with his family following grammar school, Steve Burrows was born and raised in the United Kingdom. It was here that he’d spend most of his formative years shaping many of his ideas as a writer and a birdwatcher, getting a lot of his material for his writing career that was to follow. With a clear passion for both reading and writing he nurtured his love of literature from an early age, something which he harnessed alongside his keen interest in birds.

Going on to attend York University in Ontario, Canada, he would gain an English degree, which would help him in his career as a writer. Using this as the basis for much of his career that was to follow, it would give his material the academic underpinning to go on. It would also allow him to shape his voice as a writer, something which he would continue to do throughout his life.

Taking a position at the ‘Hong Kong Birdwatching Magazine’ as its leading editing after moving there, he started to find his niche. Learning all there was to know not just about writing, but birds as well, he’d go on to become one of the most prolific figures in the industry to date. Furthering his profile as a writer too, it would allow him to get the exposure he needed as well in order to become a household name.

Still writing to this very day, he is now currently enjoying his position as one of the leading figures in the birdwatching community. Not only that, but he has also turned his hand to fiction, something which has allowed him to branch out as a writer. With more titles to come his writing career is growing from strength-to-strength, something which will continue for some time to come.

Writing Career

Releasing his debut novel in 2014, Steve Burrows made his way onto the literary scene with his fictional work ‘A Siege of Bitterns’. Whilst he had been writing extensively in the field of nature prior to this, this was his first work to delve into the world of fiction. Focusing on the murder mystery genre it managed to capture the essence of birdwatching, whilst also being an entertaining and engaging read.

Focusing on the fiction, he then started on his ongoing series of ‘Birder Murder Mystery’ novels, which there are four of. Following the case files of of one Domenic Jejeune, it sees him working as a Detective Chief Inspector, as well as being a keen birdwatcher. Set in Norfolk in England he’s somewhat of a reluctant hero, but is always willing to do whatever it takes to get the job done.

Winning a number of awards too, he’s not without acclaim either, as he’s been lauded by both his peers and contemporaries alike. Receiving the ‘Nature Writer of the Year’ award from BBC Wildlife in the past, he’s gone on to become one of the leading authorities on birdwatching. Not only that, but he was also awarded the ‘Arthur Ellis Award’ for his debut novel in 2015, following being placed in the top hundred books of 2014 by none other than ‘The Globe and Mail’.

Speaking still as a highly vocal spokesperson of not only his craft, but the profession of birdwatching too, he’s become an extremely prestigious name within the industry. With his books being successful internationally as well as nationally, he is a key figure within his specific area. Understanding not only how to make his vocation accessible to the layman, he has also mastered the art of building suspense and intrigue too.

Currently living in Oshawa in Ontario, Canada, he continues to write, as well as pursuing birdwatching too. With him contributing to various publications too, he’s still maintaining a presence on the wildlife scene as well. Showing no signs of stopping anytime soon, it seems like he will be continuing on into the foreseeable future for some time yet.

A Cast of Falcons

Initially published in 2016 on the 7th of May, this was first brought out through the Dundurn Press publishing label to much acclaim. With this being the third title in the ongoing ‘Birder Murder Mystery’ series of novels, it provides another exciting installment in the franchise. Bringing back the character of Detective Chief Inspector Domenic Jejeune once again, it sees his character a little more developed this time, as not only a police officer, but a birdwatcher as well.

Set in northern Scotland a man falls to his death from a cliff-face, all whilst another man watches in the distance calmly. The other man then walks over to his bad and slowly puts a book in the now dead man’s pocket before leaving quietly. That’s when Inspector Domenic Jejeune arrives on the scene to find that not only does the book bear his name, but he also recognizes it instantly. What does it all mean? How is he involved in this? Who is behind the cast of falcons?

A Shimmer of Hummingbirds

Brought out through the Dundurn Press publishing house once again, this was set to be the fourth book in the ongoing ‘Birder Murder Mystery’ series. Carrying on from where the last left off, it provides another mystery for Inspector Domenice Jejeune to solve. First released on the 11th of March in 2017, it continues in much the same vein as before, whilst offering some unique surprises of its own along the way.

Looking to take an overseas birding trip this time, Inspector Domenic Jejeune really wants answers on the manslaughter case of his fugitive brother. Meanwhile back home his long-time nemesis and former boss have gone about solving the murder of an accountant. That’s when Domenic finds out his girlfriend, Lindy Hey, has been involved in an accident that is more than suspicious. Will he find his brother? Can he discover happened to his girlfriend? What will become of a shimmer of hummingbirds?

Book Series In Order » Authors » Steve Burrows

5 Responses to “Steve Burrows”

  1. Deborah Wright: 2 years ago

    I accidentally found the first book and was hooked. Thank you for a wonderful series. I loved the complexity and the characters. Sadly, I am about to start the last book in the series and I know that will miss everyone when it ends

  2. Shirley Sharkey: 3 years ago

    Just wanted to say thank you for your books, Steve Burrows. I love them. Just happened on them and I am now reading Magpies so I have only Cranes left. I’m reading very slowly to give you time to get another book out there before I’m finished. Haha.
    Seriously, I am enjoying them a lot, they are among the top series I’ve read in a very long time. Thank you from New Brunswick.

  3. Helen Brookes: 3 years ago

    I was nearing despair at finding a worthwhile writer to read.. I looked at some reviews on Library thing and one mentioned Steve Burrows’ books. I put down so many writers writing today, but what wonderful surprise he is; truly, a breath of fresh air.

  4. Penelope: 3 years ago

    More,please! No.7 can’t come soon enough!

  5. Judith Clark: 3 years ago

    All I could wish for is more, more, more!

    I do realize (oh! that darn ‘z’ instead of ‘s’ I am/was used to!), of course, that books take a while to write. There are authors who seem to churn out books at a vast rate, but those get boring! Just starting “A Dance of Cranes”. The earlier ones, now read, are in my bookcase and will not be passed along.

    I grew up in Southeast London (Blackheath Village). The UK is not a large country but somehow the residents don’t always go to other parts, at least not when I was there. I wish I had visited Norfolk, it sounds beautiful.

    Thank you, Mr. Burrows, for some great reading. Keep up the good work!

    Judith Clark
    San Jose, CA


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