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Steven K. Smith Books In Order

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Publication Order of Brother Wars Books

Publication Order of Final Kingdom Books

Publication Order of The Virginia Mysteries Books

Summer of the Woods(2013)Description / Buy at Amazon
Mystery on Church Hill(2013)Description / Buy at Amazon
Ghosts of Belle Isle(2014)Description / Buy at Amazon
Secret of the Staircase(2015)Description / Buy at Amazon
Midnight at the Mansion(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
Shadows at Jamestown(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
Spies at Mount Vernon(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
Escape from Monticello(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
Pictures at the Protest(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
Pirates on the Bay(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Short Stories/Novellas

Pitch Black Dark(2014)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Steven K.Smith Non-Fiction Books

Splashing in the Deep End: Adventures Raising Boys(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon

About Steven K. Smith

The American writer of children’s novels Steven K. Smith is well regarded for his imaginative and fun stories for younger readers. Really capturing the imaginations of his audience, he’s a gifted novelist with a lot to say, creating interesting and engaging fiction. Over the years this has seen him come to be admired by many, as he’s found fans from around the world, with more readers discovering his work every day. Setting himself apart from other writers within his field, he’s found his own specific niche, carving out a distinctive approach to the format.

Drawing from a range of different influences, such as Tom Sawyer and Narnia, Smith has gone on to follow in their footsteps. This has seen him grow exponentially as an author, keeping his readers glued to each and everyone of his highly innovative stories. Inflecting his stories his with a sense of history too, he creates rich and immersive worlds for his many readers to explore. There’s a surprise on every page, as he’s also gifted in the art of tension, building a level of suspense and maintaining a momentum throughout. There’s a lot more to come in the future as well, with plenty of titles planned for release, as his writing career carries onwards and upwards.

Early and Personal Life

Growing up with a strong passion for both reading as well as writing, the author to be Stephen K. Smith would nurture his talent. This would continue to develop throughout the years, as he’d come to find his own voice and approach to the form in time. Writing stories and poems during school, he would later come to write Christmas letters during his adulthood, all of which would see him develop as a writer.

He was born and raised within rural New Jersey, an upbringing that would come to heavily inspire both him and much of his output. Spending a lot of time with his family, many of the stories he would tell his own children would come to form the basis of much of his fiction. Moving south from New Jersey in the Spring of 2011, he would come to Virginia with his wife and two boys where he has lived ever since.

Writing Career

The first novel that Steven K. Smith would write was titled ‘Summer of the Woods’ and this would come out in 2013. It would also set up the much loved ‘Virginia Mysteries’ series of novels, as it would be followed by nine more books and counting. He would also write a few other series too, including ‘Brother Wars’ starting in 2017 with ‘Cabin Eleven,’ and ‘Final Kingdom,’ with ‘The Missing’ in 2019.

There would also be a stand-alone non-fiction title called ‘Splashing in the Deep End,’ which would look at his own being a parent, and he’d release this in 2016. All of this would see him come to be a highly versatile and gifted author with a lot to say, largely writing for a middle-grade audience of children. There’s a lot more to follow too, as he continues growing from strength-to-strength, with lots more planned upon the horizon.

Secret of the Staircase

Published through Stephen Smith’s own publishing label, ‘MyBoy3 Press,’ this would be the fourth novel in ‘The Virginia Mysteries’ series. Following on from the previous books with the same characters as before, it’s a children’s series of adventure mystery stories. Originally published on the 24th of September in 2015, it would also pave the way for the books to follow too, with it being a stand-alone narrative.

The characters of Sam and Derek really work in these books, and this particular story really is no exception to that. Drawing the reader in, it really manages to grab the attention of the reader from the outset, capturing the imagination of its young audience. With the setting itself, it’s also very well established, making for a fun and exciting environment for the characters to explore.

Taking place in the historical down town hotel in Richmond, this sees the The Jefferson as the main stage for this story. Back in 1895 alligators would freely roam through the fountains of the courtyards, which is meant to have stopped in current times, as the young brothers Derek and Sam head there for a wedding weekend with their parents. That’s when the wedding rings are lost, leading to Sam being blamed, and they must search the hotel, leading to them finding all manner of danger still lurking in the old hotel. Will they find alligators there? Can they find the ring before the weekend is over? Just what is the secret of the staircase?

The Bridge

Initially published in 2020 on the 1st of July, this would be the third book in the ‘Final Kingdom Trilogy’ of novels. Following on from the previous books, it’s best that they’re read in order, as it very much is a long-running ongoing story. Working as a Young Adult fantasy collection of novels, they would be targeted at a middle grade reading age-range.

Concluding the trilogy overall, this makes for an exciting end to the series, with everything neatly wrapped up. It’s an intelligent collection of novels that really pushes the concept to the limit, making the most of the characters and the world. There’s plenty of action and excitement too, with tension and suspense throughout, making it a highly compelling story for young readers.

Close to finding his way back home finally, Bryce was soon to break out of the Final Kingdom, but he must hide from the Rangers while waiting for the bridge to reopen. Locating Bryce in the virtual world, Jess, Andrew, Zach, and Maggie seek to get him out, but the military have taken over the JOSHUA project now. That’s when Bryce discovers a secret laboratory underground within the Kingdom, and this may be the connection with the outside world he’s looking for. Will he be able to finally make it home? Can he survive for long enough to get there? Is he going to make it to the bridge?

Book Series In Order » Authors » Steven K. Smith

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