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Susan Anne Mason Books In Order

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Publication Order of Canadian Crossings Books

The Best of Intentions(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Highest of Hopes(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Brightest of Dreams(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Courage to Dream Books

Irish Meadows(2015)Description / Buy at Amazon
A Worthy Heart(2015)Description / Buy at Amazon
Love's Faithful Promise(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Rainbow Falls Books

Betrayed Hearts(2014)Description / Buy at Amazon
Wayward Hearts(2014)Description / Buy at Amazon
Redeemed Hearts(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Redemption's Light Books

A Haven for Her Heart(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
To Find Her Place(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon
A Feeling of Home(2022)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Healing the Widower's Heart(2015)Description / Buy at Amazon
A Most Noble Heir(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon

Susan Anne Mason is an American inspirational author that loves to describe her writing as romance sprinkled with faith. Her work is characterized by inspirational messages of God’s unconditional forgiveness and love that is woven throughout her characters’ journeys. Her debut historical romance novel “Irish Meadows” was the winner of the Mid-American Romance Author Chapter of the Romance Writers of American “Heartland contest.” Mason has always loved to write and by the time she was a teen, she had already submitted her first novel that was politely rejected by a publisher. But, life got in the way as schooling, marriage and family became more of a priority. Once her children were older, she got hit by the writing bug and joined the Romance Writers of America and the American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW). She credits her membership in the two organizations for making her the writer that she is today. She currently lives with her husband and two children in Ontario Canada, where she holds a day job as secretary of a local church. When she is not writing her novels, she loves to scrapbook, research her family history and read.

Susan Anne Mason’s first foray into writing was when she was in the sixth grade and Mr. Guisitini her favorite teacher told her that she should write a book. As a child, she had loved reading the likes of the “Trixie Belden” mysteries and “Nancy Drew” and hence she wrote a teen mystery book. She spent years penning it as she was using a manual typewriter. She then sent it to a publisher and got her very first rejection. After a hiatus of several years, she got back on the horse though she was now more interested in historical romance. For Mason, it was not an easy road to publishing as it took her more than ten years to get Irish Meadows her first historical fiction published. She entered her novel in the Fiction from the Heartland Contest since she saw that a Bethany House editor was on the judging panel. Since she had always wanted to get published by Bethany she knew she had to submit her work to the contest as she would get a feel of the type of writing they published. Meanwhile, Mason pitched the story to editors and agents at a national conference and got a lot of negative feedback and blank stares and hence she did not expect the novel to do well at the contest. To her surprise, the novel won the contest and she was offered a 3 book deal with Bethany.

It is not hard to decipher just why Susan Mason wrote her first historical fiction about a large family. She has always loved large families and sagas, and her favorite series growing up was the story of an Irish family trying to make a living on the Australian outback that was titled “The Thornbirds”. Mason was inspired and captivated by the compelling family story and the forbidden love between two of the members of the family. The two would be the inspiration for the love between Rylan Montgomery the priest and the fiery Colleen O’Leary the protagonists of Irish Meadows. Mason also has Irish roots from both her parents and hence she knew she just had to write an Irish story. Since her great grandparents had migrated to Brooklyn from Ireland in the 1890s, it made sense to set her novel in New York. Just like her grandparents, the O’Learys are an immigrant family that has to overcome prejudice and poverty to make it in New York. The patriarch manages to achieve an influential position but then faces the prospect of losing it all which makes him scramble to find wealthy suitable husbands for his daughters to save the family from utter ruin. Since his daughters have other ideas, what unfolds makes for some compelling reading.

Ann Mason’s “Irish Meadows” introduces the O’Leary family and the two girls Colleen and Brianna O’Leary whose immigrant Irish father expects them to marry well. In recent times he has been even pushier and insinuated that the future of Irish Meadows, the Long Island horse farm they had grown up in rests on their ability to land influential and wealthy spouses. But the girls are having none of it as they see themselves taking a more active role in their futures. Colleen is a vivacious girl and wants a groom that will fit her high standards and hence may be easier to convince. On the other hand, the quiet but intelligent Brianna is more interested in attending college. When Gilbert Whelan the former stable hand comes back from Business school and is joined by Rylan Montgomery, a distant relative on a summer break from seminary, things become even more complicated. Meanwhile, James O’Leary is growing ever more desperate as his farm grows ever closer to ruin. The two girls will need every ounce of courage to avoid being used as a pawn in their father’s schemes. But will they find their dreams unattainable?

“A Worthy Heart,” Mason’s second novel is the story of Maggie Montgomery who sees her wish of traveling to America finally come true. She is going to visit Rylan her brother and his wife Colleen and while at it, get away from the unwanted attention of Neill Fitzgerald. Moreover, Maggie has a secret in that she always hoped to stay in America and find love and fortune. While she is at “Irish Meadows,” she meets one of the most intriguing men that she believes works in the stables. It is only when her brother tells her to stay away from the man does it dawn on her who he is – he is Adam O’Leary Colleen’s brother that was recently paroled. But no matter how much she tries, she cannot convince her heart to obey her brother’s warning. Adam O’Leary never felt that he belonged in his family and having been to jail only reinforced his feeling of being the black sheep. Now that he is out, he hopes to earn his family’s trust by making amends. However, falling in love with Maggie was never one of those plans. Nobody in the family is for their relationship but they have developed a bond that is seemingly unbreakable. But has Adam turned a corner or will he return to his old ways and push Maggie away?

Susan Anne Mason’s “Love’s Faithful Promise” tells of Deirdre O’Leary, a medical student whose mother suffers a stroke and forces her to put medical school on hold and care for her. She approached Dr. Mathew Clayborne, a physician known for providing excellent care for patients. But Deirdre finds the many surly and challenging though she could not care less since she believes she is done with complicated men. After she was abruptly left by a fiancé she had given her whole heart to, she had vowed to never be powerless in that way again. For Dr. Clayborne, there are only two things that he cares for – Phoebe his four-year-old daughter and his work caring for wounded soldiers. He is not going to leave what mattered most to him for an older woman just because the daughter asked him to. But when Phoebe gets really sick, the only respite they can find is at Irish Meadows farm but only if the good doctor agrees to care for Mrs. O’Leary. Mathew was sure he was going to hate the man but he immediately falls in love with it and soon Phoebe and Mrs. O’Leary are improving. He had no intention of living his life in the North for any significant amount of time and Deirdre had told him that she was not interested in marriage preferring her career. But how will they deal with the irrefutable magnetism between them?

Book Series In Order » Authors » Susan Anne Mason

2 Responses to “Susan Anne Mason”

  1. VALARIE REID: 2 years ago

    I am now use to Susan’s style and have read most of her books so I am running out …please keep me updated for I do need more reading from her..

  2. Nancy Allen: 3 years ago

    I read a lot; especially enjoy inspirational novels and historical novels. I was happy to read “To Find Her Place” which was very good. I would like to be on your email list for when new books come out. Keep up that good inspirational writing. Susan.


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