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Susan Howatch Books In Order

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Publication Order of Starbridge Books

Glittering Images(1987)Description / Buy at Amazon
Glamorous Powers(1988)Description / Buy at Amazon
Ultimate Prizes(1989)Description / Buy at Amazon
Scandalous Risks(1990)Description / Buy at Amazon
Mystical Paths(1992)Description / Buy at Amazon
Absolute Truths(1995)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of St. Benet's Books

The Wonder Worker / A Question of Integrity(1997)Description / Buy at Amazon
The High Flyer(1999)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Heartbreaker(2003)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Van Zale Books

The Rich Are Different(1977)Description / Buy at Amazon
Sins of the Fathers(1980)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

The Dark Shore(1965)Description / Buy at Amazon
Waiting Sands(1966)Description / Buy at Amazon
Call in the Night(1967)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Devil on Lammas Night(1970)Description / Buy at Amazon
Penmarric(1971)Description / Buy at Amazon
April's Grave(1973)Description / Buy at Amazon
Cashelmara(1974)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Shrouded Walls(1974)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Wheel of Fortune(1984)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Anthologies

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Susan Howatch is one of the most famous novelist from England, who likes to write her books based on the historical fiction and literature fiction genres. The writing career of author Susan is mostly distinguished by the family saga type of novels, which often describe the living conditions of the characters related to the novels over a long period of time. Even the books that she wrote in the later parts of her writing career have become well known for their philosophical and religious themes. Author Susan was born on July 14, 1940, in Leatherhead, Surrey, England; as Susan Elizabeth Sturt. Her father used to work as a stockbroker. As a kid, Susan used to study at the Sutton High School. Even though Susan was the only child of her parents and her father had died during the Second World War, she has often described her childhood to be a happy and satisfied one. After the completion of her school studies, author Susan joined the King’s College in London and obtained her degree in law in the year 1961.

In the year 1964, she migrated to The United States and began working in the New York City as a secretary. Susan got married to Joseph Howatch in the same year and then decided to give a try to her career in the world of writing. Of course, she was supported by her husband in her passion to become a writer. At first, she started writing intricate and detailed gothic books and found success almost instantly in her writing career. In the year 1971, author Susan gave birth to a daughter. Later in the year 1975, she got separated from her husband and then returned back to England. She started living in the Ireland Republic and after spending four years there between 1976 and 1980, she decided to move back to England permanently in the year 1980. After returning to England, author Susan felt that she had become successful and rich enough, and found the perfect place where she wanted to spend the rest of her life. However, she felt a sense of spiritual emptiness in her life, which she has described as trying to hold her divided self together with whatever was left in her life. She kept questioning her life at each and every phase and kept thinking about what she should do next. When author Susan had decided to live permanently in England in the year 1980, she chose Salisbury to be her permanent residence as she was very much fond of the scenic beauty of the town.

Being increasingly drawn towards the Salisbury Cathedral, Susan eventually decided to study about the Anglican Christianity. As author Susan kept getting closer to the Anglican Christianity, she began to experience a sense of spiritual epiphany, which led her to conclude that she should once again try and write novels. The spiritual awakening also led her to set forth her discoveries in the faith’s light, no matter how much inadequate or feeble the faith of her beginner was. Eventually, the personal turning point in the life of author Susan culminated in the most popular and successful works of her writing career, the Starbridge series. Initially starting with the gothic novels, author Susan first wrote The Dark Shore in the year 1965. After this, she published several other gothic books before going to write family sagas, debuting with Penmarric in the year 1971. This novel describes the disputes and the fortunes of the Penmar family living in Cornwall at the time of the 19th and 20th centuries. One of the important themes of the book is depicted in the form of how the Penmar mansion was controlled by the various branches of the Penmar family. It was later made clear by author Susan that the fortunes of the Penmar family were described as closely parallel to the Plantagenet family, along with Eleanor and Henry II, with the Penmar mansion resembling the throne. This family saga was followed by a similar one called as The Wheel of Fortune, which described Oxmoon’s Godwin family’s story in Gower, South Wales. This saga is actually a modern form of the story of Edward III of the Plantagenet family. The family saga was followed by three other popular family sagas at the hands of author Susan, all of which went on to become extremely successful all over the world.

The Starbridge series written by author Susan Howatch consists of 6 books in total released between the years 1987 and 1995. The books in this series describe the history related to the England Church during the 20th century. Each and every book in the series is totally self contained and is narrated by a new character. However, the central protagonist in each novel makes appearance in the other books as well. This way, author Susan found it easy to depict similar incidents from a variety of viewpoints. The first book in the Starbridge series was published under the title ‘Glittering Images’. Fontana publisher released it in the year 1987. At the beginning of the main story of the book, it is shown that the Episcopal palace is surrounded by a salacious scandal, which lies beneath its smooth surface. Charles Ashworth is asked to move to the Episcopal palace and untangle the self delusional webs and the corruption. But before he can do anything, he gets embroiled in a difficult situation himself and faces the threat of getting the secrets of his past life exposed. Overall, the books appear to be a combination of drama and tension in a compelling way. It describes the life of people living in high places, who are desperate for longings and resist to experience failure in their lives. There are also several descriptions of evasions, lies, tarnished realities, and an intriguing story on the whole.

One of the other novels in the Starbridge series written by author Howatch was released under the title ‘Glamorous Powers’. HarperCollins publishers published the book in the year 1988. At the beginning of the story, Jon Darrow is introduced in the form of a man having psychic powers. He is believed to have played a number of parts including a naval chaplain, an awkward father, a shady faith healer, a passionate husband, and a monk of the Anglo-Catholic origin. When Jon Darrow returns to the same world that he had renounced once, he faces a number of unforeseen temptations and eventually fails to control his glamorous and psychic powers. Due to corruption spread all over, he feels threatened not only about his future as a priest, but also about his relationship with a young woman named Anne, with whom he was in love.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Susan Howatch

6 Responses to “Susan Howatch”

  1. Mary Davies: 7 years ago

    I have all of Susan Howatch’s novels, most of them in hardback all of them highly recommendable……..but all of them taking up space. Do I get rid of them(as I’m hardly likely to read them again) or, as I’ve kept them all these years shall I just hang on? What do others do?

    • Graeme: 7 years ago

      If you know someone who you think would like them then pass them onto them. That’s what I’d do – was always nice doing as then it’d give you something to discuss with a friend down the road.

    • Pamela Wright: 7 years ago

      Keep them she is rereadable and your life circumstances are probably going to change so that rereading will make it a new thing.

    • Bibi Emami: 7 years ago

      Would u like to sell it?

      • Bibi Emami: 7 years ago

        I like to have them in case u want to get rid of them

    • Cheryl Daems: 6 years ago

      If it was me I would donate them to your local library. That way others can enjoy them, and if you are so inclined you can check them out and read them again.


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