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Susan Hunter Books In Order

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Publication Order of Leah Nash Mysteries Books

Dangerous Habits(2014)Description / Buy at Amazon
Dangerous Mistakes(2015)Description / Buy at Amazon
Dangerous Places(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
Dangerous Secrets(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
Dangerous Flaws(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
Dangerous Ground(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
Dangerous Dreams(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
Dangerous Pursuits(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
Dangerous Waters(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon
Dangerous Deception(2022)Description / Buy at Amazon
Dangerous Choices(2023)Description / Buy at Amazon
Dangerous Games(2024)Description / Buy at Amazon
Dangerous Betrayals (With: Susan Hunter)(2025)Description / Buy at Amazon

Susan Hunter is a relatively popular author of mystery novels who is best known for the Leah Nash series. Hunter describes her stories as clever mysteries featuring unexpected twists and strong female leads.

Susan Hunter likes to boast about the fact that she is an introvert. Hunter doesn’t believe that she matters that much as an author, at least not in comparison to her works. In fact, Hunter takes every opportunity to shine the spotlight away from herself and onto the novels she has written, primarily because she doesn’t believe her life is so interesting as to warrant the attention of her readers.

Whenever questions about her personal life arise, she is happy to tell anybody that will listen that she actually enjoys people. She just prefers to deal with them two or three at a time.

Of course, that doesn’t mean that Susan Hunter shies away from large groups. Actually, public speaking doesn’t even bother her. However, the author admits that she is at her best when dealing with smaller groups.

And while she has been known to engage large groups of people, the experience exhausts her relatively quickly.

When the author isn’t talking about her personal foibles as an introvert, she will probably make mention of her husband, an incredible extrovert, and their lovely daughters.

Susan Hunter has spent her life writing. She was a reporter at one point in time. And then she became the editor of a small newspaper before moving on to a university, working in the institution’s publications and marketing departments.

The work was challenging and engaging, especially whenever it gave her the opportunity to teach creative writing to eager students. But ultimately, the author couldn’t be happier as a published novelist, primarily because the work allows her to earn a living without ever taking her pajamas off.

When Hunter isn’t writing, you will find her reading or hanging out with her friends and family. She has been known to burn several minutes and hours at a time just staring out a window. Whenever she turns her attention to the big and small screen, it is with the intention of watching old movies.

+Literary Career
Susan Hunter has been more fortunate than most authors. Her life has given her a litany of opportunities to put her writing talents to work. She has written for everything from television to radio, newspapers, websites, and universities. She has even produced speeches.

Writing is Hunter’s life. It is like an itch that she cannot rest until she scratches, which is why she spent so many years pursuing employment opportunities that pushed her to write.

Most of the author’s writing happens at her desk in her office. Her writing process is so active that, even though her office is always clean and organized at the start of any writing project, by the time she reaches the midpoint, there are more piles of papers and sticky notes scattered around the space than she knows what to do with.

The author does a lot of brainstorming throughout her writing process, so she is constantly writing on and sticking large sheets of paper on the walls of her office. Susan Hunter’s novels, especially the mystery titles, always start with the murder victim.

Once she can see him or her, she can begin to figure out who might have done the killing. Once she has identified the murderer, she proceeds to build his or her backstory. That, in turn, allows her to identify all the other suspects her protagonist will investigate before locating the murderer.

She then has to give them all backstories even while figuring out how their paths intersect with the victim. By the time Hunter accumulates all this information, her story is all but ready to be written.

But that doesn’t mean Hunter is a plotter or anything. She would like to think of herself as something of a hybrid. Even when she knows the identity of her killer and the potential suspects, she doesn’t figure out the various stages and checkpoints of her story until she starts writing.

If the opportunity allows, Hunter will try and plan the first five chapters out in advance. But after that, she is happy to simply wait and see where her story will go.

None of the author’s stories are directly inspired by her life or even current events. However, it normally takes current events or even an occurrence in her life to spark her imagination.

Susan Hunter doesn’t like letting ideas slip by her which is why she keeps an extensive file in which she details everything of note she encounters. This includes conversations she overhears that get her thinking.

While the author has some experience with the self-publishing arena, it isn’t a route she encourages aspiring authors to take unless they are determined.

Hunter went the indie publishing direction because she hated how slow the traditional publishing process was. She had to find agents, send queries, submit her full manuscripts to those who asked for them and then wait for feedback.

Most of the time, she was met with rejection and while she agrees that her first few writing attempts were lackluster, she doesn’t like the fact that she had to wait so long to get feedback, not when the rewriting process eventually took even more of her time.

Hunter enjoys the immediacy of the self-publishing field but she also admits that the effort that goes into editing, formatting and promoting is immense.

+Dangerous Habits
Leah Nash is finally going back to her Wisconsin hometown. She would have loved to return in triumph.

But her lack hasn’t been particularly great as of late. So the reporter knows that she probably shouldn’t stick her nose into the death of a drowned nun, even though she has a hunch that it might be connected to a shocking scandal.

But Leah knows that if she’s right, she might have just stumbled upon the story that will engineer her comeback.

+Dangerous Mistakes
Leah Nash knows that investigative journalism isn’t without its dangers. So she has approached the death of a local physician with caution. However, when her probing uncovers a web of lies, not even Leah is prepared for the trouble that comes her way.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Susan Hunter

3 Responses to “Susan Hunter”

  1. Catherine Ortiz: 2 months ago

    I’ve read all of The Leah Nash series except for book 12 and I enjoyed reading them. I’m waiting to find out if Leah finally matures in the next book.

  2. Jody Pishione: 4 months ago

    I am addicted to your series!! Please write more!!

  3. Sarah villalonga: 4 years ago

    Hi! I was wondering when dangerous waters was going to be available in paperback


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