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Teresa Babcock Lassen Books In Order

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Publication Order of Counterbalance Books

Festival of the Ghanai Moons(2013)Description / Buy at Amazon
Dahlraevya Song(2013)Description / Buy at Amazon

Teresa Babcock Lassen is a ghost, at least as far as the internet is concerned. Most authors work hard to create a digital footprint on the internet, especially first-time authors. And one assumes that Babcock is a first-time author.

Almost every mention of her name on the internet is connected to the Counterbalance series which is a collection of books that were published in 2013. That suggests that the Counterbalance books marked Teresa Babcock Lassen’s entry into the publishing arena.

The fact that the first two novels published under her name are so closely associated with Amazon and the fact that there seems to be no other publishing firm associated with her work suggests that Babcock is an indie author.

However, indie authors are practically obligated to nurture strong followings on the internet. The more followers they have on social media and the more engagements with readers they arrange, the more visible they tend to be.

And success as an indie published author cannot be achieved without strong visibility on the internet. So one does wonder why Babcock would choose to operate so stealthily on the internet when her earnings as an indie author are so closely tied to her visibility.

Of course, the Teresa Babcock Lassen moniker that features on the counterbalance novels could be the pen name of a traditionally published writer. Successful authors, especially the traditionally published kind have been known to publish novels under pen names to not only see if they can succeed without their celebrity status but to also experiment with genres outside of their comfort zones.

So it is highly possible that Teresa Babcock Lassen is merely a pen name. If that is the case, then this is one pseudonym that never paid off. The Counterbalance books are almost as invisible on the internet as their author.

The first novel in the series definitely elicited some interest from a tiny crop of readers at some point but its sequel wasn’t even that lucky. You will be hard-pressed to find reviews of either novel on even the larger book websites.

So even though both of her works can be acquired via Amazon, it wouldn’t be an exaggeration to pronounce Teresa Babcock Lassen’s literary career dead, at least with regards to any books she might want to publish under that name.

+Festival of the Ghanai Moons
When a female traveler sojourns, on her own, into a foreign land, the warriors that she encounters do not know what to make of her presence.

These are strong and courageous men but they are also wary of the peril the lone traveler presents. They have known women like her, a tribe that lives in their land whose vile deeds and talents have made them legendary.

However, questions about her connection to this division of women do not immediately assault these men when they first encounter this mysterious woman. Having found her on the outskirts of their territory, these protectors see her as little more than an amusement.

But because she is a foreigner in an unfamiliar land, the men do not have the means to communicate with her, and neither she with them. So like any creature in seemingly hostile grounds that feels trapped, the woman panics and draws her staff.

She does so in defense. However, when the men retaliate with their own staffs, it is a feint, a jesting gesture. They do not realize that she is incapable of perceiving their innocuous intent.

And so they are unprepared when she reciprocates with hostility. The resulting exchange is anything but civil. The woman is clearly outnumbered. But she somehow succeeds in presenting more of a challenge than any of them could have expected.

Yet her remarkable skills with the staff are only the opening salvo to an even bigger surprise. Just when they think they have her cornered, four-legged creatures, denizens from legend, suddenly leap into action to help her.

Their behavior is a complete contradiction to their temperament. So now the men must answer a serious question. They must resolve a mystery. Is this woman connected to the vile females in their land? And if so, what should they do about it?

+Dahlraevya Song
The land had known peace for a long time. For four hundred cycles, the people had known no significant strife; not the tribes of the Outlanders, nor the people of the Holdings nor those of the Cahrvanza.

But then the Festival of the Ghanai Moons was held and everything changed. From the bonfires came abominable creatures that proceeded to claim many lives. By the time they swept through the celebrations, there was no doubt in anyone’s mind that the Zroi Ghanai were a force to be reckoned with, a threat whose strength exceeded that of their Skryer counterparts.

The people of the land realized that their salvation lay in hunting the Zroi Ghanai who had somehow forgone their solitary nature and combined their forces.

Those that left Arthaena for the hunt, from the top Bahura to the Skryer Densavy and even the Kianya, knew that they would have to rely on the Dahlraevya for guidance.

Though colorful and frivolous, there was no denying the risk the Dahlraevya presented, especially since their motives were unclear and there was no possible means of communicating with them.

But because their purpose in the task ahead was evident, there was no choice but to trust that they only cared about frolicking and playing. The fact that there were no clues or signs to guide those from Arthaena in their hunt only made the presence of the Dahlraevya more crucial.

The hunt couldn’t end in failure. There was simply too much at stake, chief amongst which was the future of the young developing Skryer. They simply couldn’t be allowed to fall into the wrong hands.

If the Zroi Ghanai ever got their hands on young Skryer, they would be a formidable weapon through whose power the land would be reshaped. The people of the Holdings had lived a peaceful and wholesome life for too long to sit idly by and watch the Zroi Ghanai burn everything to the ground.
They were ready to sacrifice everything to protect their way of life.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Teresa Babcock Lassen

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