Thomas Mallon Books In Order
Book links take you to Amazon. As an Amazon Associate I earn money from qualifying purchases.Publication Order of Standalone Novels
Arts and Sciences | (1988) | Description / Buy at Amazon |
Aurora 7 | (1991) | Description / Buy at Amazon |
Henry and Clara | (1994) | Description / Buy at Amazon |
Dewey Defeats Truman | (1997) | Description / Buy at Amazon |
Two Moons | (2000) | Description / Buy at Amazon |
Bandbox | (2004) | Description / Buy at Amazon |
Fellow Travelers | (2007) | Description / Buy at Amazon |
Watergate | (2012) | Description / Buy at Amazon |
Finale | (2015) | Description / Buy at Amazon |
Landfall | (2019) | Description / Buy at Amazon |
Up With the Sun | (2023) | Description / Buy at Amazon |
Publication Order of Non-Fiction Books
Edmund Blunden | (1983) | Description / Buy at Amazon |
A Book of One's Own | (1984) | Description / Buy at Amazon |
Stolen Words | (1989) | Description / Buy at Amazon |
Rockets and Rodeos and Other American Spectacles | (1993) | Description / Buy at Amazon |
In Fact | (2001) | Description / Buy at Amazon |
Mrs. Paine's Garage and the Murder of John F. Kennedy | (2002) | Description / Buy at Amazon |
Yours Ever | (2009) | Description / Buy at Amazon |
The Very Heart of It: New York Diaries, 1983-1994 | (2025) | Description / Buy at Amazon |
Thomas Mallon is an American author of fiction.
Mallon was born November 2, 1951 in Glen Cove, New York. In addition to being a novelist, he is a critic and a director. At George Washington University, he runs the program teaching creative writing.
Mallon went to Brown University. He would go on to attend Harvard, where he graduated with his Ph.D. and his Master of Arts. In 1987, he had the chance to win a Rockefeller Fellowship. In 1994, he received an I.M. Foundation Award. He taught at Vassar College from 1979 to 1991, teaching English classes.
Thomas Mallon first became a published author with the release of his first full length fiction novel in 1988. It is titled Arts and Sciences. Since then, he has gone on to write several more fictional books as well as a few nonfiction books too. His second full length book was titled Aurora 7 and came out in 1991. He has since written several more books, including Two Moons, Henry and Clara, and Bandbox.
The author also worked as a literary editor in addition to being a writer. He worked for the magazine GQ for several years as their literary editor. While there, he was the composer of a column titled Doubting Thomas. The column ran for a decade. He has also contributed on a regular basis to such publications as Harper’s, The Atlantic Monthly, The New Yorker, and more.
In addition to all of this, Thomas Mallon has also had several professional appointments for several councils and even worked as a director and deputy chairman. The author currently resides in the area of Washington, D.C., in the uniquely titled neighborhood of Foggy Bottom.
Arts and Sciences is the first novel of fiction from author Thomas Mallon. In this interesting debut story from a talented author, readers get the chance to meet the main character of Artie Dunne for the first time. You can pick up this book for yourself by going online and seeing what it’s all about!
Artie Dunne is a young man that has gotten some bad luck in the gene department. It appears that he has an innate level of intelligence, but when it comes to being physically strong, he must have gotten passed over. it’s always better to have brains over brawn, but sometimes you just want to be able to have that natural athletic ability that is helping you to achieve your athletic goals.
Sometimes Artie thinks it would all be easier if he had just come out a jock. As it is, he stands to weigh about a hundred and fifteen pounds on a good day. He is well below the average weight for his age, but what can he do about it?
He may be going to grad school of the arts and sciences at Harvard, but will this intellectual be able to break out of his normal role and become a star in the process? He may have a love for Keats, but he’s going to have to do more than just read books if he wants to be successful at making his dream of being someone come true.
Artie is also running into his fair share of problems along the way. He doesn’t have that much money and is in fact completely broke. He is having so many emotions and impulses that he thinks that he might slowly be going insane. Along the way, he becomes infatuated with a woman named Angela. She has luscious blonde hair and comes all the way from England.
She’s a bombshell to be sure, but what to do when it comes to his love life? Should he pursue Angela, or will he finally realize that he’s been dreaming of a life far outside of his league this entire time? With plenty of challenges in his way, it’s up to this grad student to take matters into his own hands. It’s his life and it’s time to define it.
Will he be successful in his quest? Is Artie in fact actually losing his sanity one piece at a time? Can he ever find love, or will he be relinquished to the sad fate of being alone forever? Read this book to the very last page to find out!
Aurora 7 is the second novel from acclaimed writer Thomas Mallon. This story tells the tale of one day set in the month of May. The year was 1962. Scott Carpenter is busy doing what few before him have done; orbiting around the planet Earth in a capsule.
The views of the planet are absolutely spectacular. Scott goes around the planet, safe in the Aurora 7. While he is up there, life goes on for the many people still living on the planet below. Everyday life on the ground remains the same for many people.
There are all sorts of people down there with all sorts of identities and pasts. Everyone from a cab driver in New York to an acclaimed novelist to a convicted murderer that targets children as well as a pregnant English housewife that is about to birth a baby stricken with thalidomide, as well as a priest that is having conflicts about his sexuality.
There is a lot happening in this intriguing story that gives echoes of Kurt Vonnegut and other surrealist writers. It is the tale of a fifth grader named Gregory Noonan as well. He may be just a kid, but this suburban kid is fixated on the space program and is downright spooky as well.
Gregory and ultimately his family too will experience a fate that may end up being tied to that of the astronaut’s destiny through mysterious circumstances. When Gregory leaves school without permission in order to watch the culmination of the mission, it may end up changing everything.
As the young boy goes to watch Carpenter’s journey on the large television monitors located in Grand Central, his life might be changed forever. There are plenty of cameos made in the book as well by historical figures. What will happen to the astronaut as well as Gregory? Pick up this novel to find out for yourself in a story that may end up being stranger than fiction!
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