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Tim McBain Books In Order

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Publication Order of Awake in the Dark Books

with L.T. Vargus

Publication Order of Charlotte Winters Books

with L.T. Vargus
First Girl Gone(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
Girl Under Water(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
Watch Her Sleep(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of The Scattered and the Dead Books

with L.T. Vargus

Publication Order of Victor Loshak Thriller Books

with L.T. Vargus, E.M. Smith

Publication Order of Violet Darger Books

with L.T. Vargus
Dead End Girl(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
Image in a Cracked Mirror(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
Killing Season(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Last Victim(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Girl in the Sand(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
Bad Blood(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
Five Days Post Mortem(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
Into the Abyss(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
Night on Fire(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
Dark Passage(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon
Trouble in Paradise(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon
Countdown to Midnight(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon
Couple Killer(2022)Description / Buy at Amazon
When Darkness Falls(2022)Description / Buy at Amazon
Lonesome Highway(2022)Description / Buy at Amazon
Celebrity Skin(2023)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Casting Shadows Everywhere (With: L.T. Vargus)(2013)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Clowns(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon

Author Tim McBain writes only because life is something short and he would like to create something awesome before he dies. He lives in Hell, Michigan.

He writes with his writing partner L. T. Vargus, and they have worked on different series together. Their work is from the thriller, horror, and suspense genres.

“Fade to Black” is the first novel in the “Awake in the Dark” series and was released in the year 2014. It really sucks dying violent deaths again again. Jeff Grobnagger, who is a loner, has found this out the hard way. Each time he has a seizure, he has a dream where he is strangled and killed by a hooded man. He runs and hides. He fights. Whatever he does, all of his efforts end with him dying a horrible death.

Someone tries killing him in real life, and he knows that what he experiences with the hooded man is more than just a dream.

Who exactly is this hooded man? Who was it that tried killing Grobnagger for real? He looks for answers and it leads him to a girl gone missing, an evil book, cults that are obsessed on the subject of astral projection, a puzzle sphere, a chesty private eye who is named Louise. There is also a guy named Glenn, who has a mustache and he makes the greatest martini you will ever have.

This would be the time of his life, except for all the horrible deaths going on around him.

Fans of the novel found this was written with a satirical and light style, and kept them entertained the entire time they were reading the book. Readers found this to be a terrific horror story. Readers loved reading about the terrifying dreams, the thrill, and the odd people that Jeff meets along the way. You feel everything that happens to Jeff in the book, it is almost like it is happening to you.

“Bled White” is the second novel in the “Awake in the Dark” series and was released in the year 2014. The journey that Grobnagger has undertaken has another twist when a corpse wearing a League of Light robe is found burnt and in a vacant lot. Now, he has to find Glenn, solve a murder case, mend fences with Louise, save Amity, and figure things out. Should be pretty easy.

Fans of the novel enjoyed the way the protagonist talks right to the reader, almost like your best buddy would talk with you in private. There are very few novels that have such realistic dialogue as this one does. Some even found themselves laughing out loud or being surprised with some of the conversations going on in the book. The book is quite riveting, with some being hooked from the start of the very first book.

“Red on the Inside” is the third novel in the “Awake in the Dark”
series and was released in the year 2015. After what happened to Jeff
in the last book, he is having a hard time not falling asleep. He is
drained. He is partially tethered to reality, and muddles through
things only half awake. Jeff has no idea what is going on with him,
but he doubts if he cares at this point about it.

Those that actually want to harm him start asserting themselves, and he finds himself as well as his friends under threat of death. There are plans made to cross over into the other world to go and save Amity from her exposed position. His enemies are one step ahead of him and a brutal fight is becoming more inevitable. He may have been changed by the adventures he has gone on so far, but he is not going to be the same after this.

Fans of the novel found this was an extremely funny book that made some laugh out loud. At the same time, there are many painful and emotionally charged moments in the book that can make it tough to read at times. The book does not just get the reader ready for the big finish that is coming, but is something complex all its own. It is organically the next step in Jeff’s journey.

“Back in Black” is the fourth novel in the “Awake in the Dark” series and was released in the year 2015. After the third book, Jeff is angry and injured. He is in hiding in a horrible motel, and gets through the days picturing vengeance and seeing himself kill Farber again and again. He starts having seizures once more, and goes back to the alley again.

He is put in a tough spot when his enemies try to gain the upper hand again. Is he going to sacrifice himself so that he can save one of his friends? Are the trips back to the alley simply meaningless or are they attempting to teach him some kind of lesson?

Fans of the novel had trouble putting the novel down for very long, they just had to know what was going to happen next for Jeff. Some found that this was their favorite story of the series thus far. The journey Jeff is going on in the book gets even better with each book. Both authors continue to amaze readers with their visual depictions and their abilities to turn a phrase. These books are worth reading, you will not investing time in these books.

“Beyond the Blue” is the fifth novel in the “Awake in the Dark” series and was released in the year 2015. All things have to pass, and Jeff knows this pretty well at this point.

An experiment conducted with Amity does not go well, and parts of Jeff’s
journey go inward. There are some new mysteries that are granting him
peace and love for him that he could not put his finger on before. He
finds that he is fighting himself to go back to the way he was. Alone
again, going deeper within his mind.

If you know how to love yourself, are you going to need others? Where will that lead? To damnation or divinity? This is the choice that Jeff is faced with, and it is going to determine his own fate. Death, life, or something even worse than that.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Tim McBain

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