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Titus Bass Books In Order

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Publication Order of Titus Bass Books

Carry the Wind (1982)Description / Buy at Amazon
Borderlords (1986)Description / Buy at Amazon
One-Eyed Dream (1988)Description / Buy at Amazon
Dance on the Wind (1995)Description / Buy at Amazon
Buffalo Palace (1996)Description / Buy at Amazon
Crack in the Sky (1997)Description / Buy at Amazon
Ride the Moon Down (1998)Description / Buy at Amazon
Death Rattle (1999)Description / Buy at Amazon
Wind Walker (2001)Description / Buy at Amazon

Chronological Order of Titus Bass Books

Titus Bass is the main character n a series of western fiction novels written by bestselling American author Terry C. Johnston. The series is written in first person perspective and is set during the Rocky Mountain Fur Trade. The author was so attached to the main character, Titus Bass to the extent that he felt like he would die next if he ever killed him. However, shortly after the final novel in the series was released, Johnston discovered that he had colon cancer and died soon after.

The author began the publication of Titus Bass series in 1982 when Carry the Wind, the first novel in the series was published. The series is divided into three trilogies- Bass Early years (1995-1997), Bass Middle years (1982-88) and Barry’s final years (1998-2001).

Dance on the Wind

Dance on the Wind is the first novel in Titus Bass series by Terry C. Johnston. The book introduces a 16-year-old Titus Bass a young man afraid of the fate more than the wilderness in himself. So one late night, a grabs a squirrel gun, some handful of biscuits and vanishes into the woods without looking back. From Louisville all the way to New Orleans, he plunges into the rough terrain along the Mississippi, through a turbulent country of river bandits and boatmen, Indian raids, knife fights, stronger women and strong liquor. It is through the unexplored Great Plains that the young Titus will seek his future and risk almost everything to have it.

This is the first novel in Titus Bass series, as it is intriguing, easy to read and quite engaging. The book ventures back into the main character’s youth in the early 1800’s. The first few pages of the book cover the future of the young boy as a Kentucky farm boy and gradually moves along as Titus continually confronts his heart on whether to run away from home. The narrative picks up at a steady speed, when the 16-year-old boy restless and seeking to quench his adventure joins a jolly crew head to New Orleans from Cincinnati, a 1000 miles journey full of challenges.

However equipped with a knife, pistol and a long rifle, Titus manages to survive all the Indian attacks, highway robbery, bathroom brawls leaving some of his few opponents upright. When the young Titus is not stabbing, shooting, or slugging, you will find him expending his remaining teenage energy on sexual activities. This, in other words, means that there are some scenes of romance in this novel.
Even after his trip downriver is a success, Titus still years for adventures of the west far beyond the mountains, to see the far landscapes and wild animals such as buffalo. However, his dreams are not immediately fulfilled as the young Titus finds himself working as a blacksmith in St. Louis until the age of 30.

Dance on the Wind is a brilliant first series installment. The novel features one of the best character creations by Terry C. Johnston. Titus is one of the best characters you will ever find in a historical novel. He is a dreamer and is always eager to get to know what lies far beyond his eyesight. He cannot imagine of growing up and becoming just a regular Kentucky farm boy, he wants to be more than just a farm boy, he wants his life to be different, and thus he sets out to change his destiny. He is also courageous, and this makes him survive all the Indian attacks, robberies and another target that lay a trap on him.

The author makes the descriptions of 1800 so vivid such that you can visualize each single description given. Furthermore, there are many colorful and hearty characters that you will love and wish you could get more time to interact with them.

Buffalo Palace

Buffalo Palace is the second installment in Titus Bass series by Terry C. Johnston. Again we meet Titus Bass yearning for more adventure of his lifetime, and again he sets out through the Rocky Mountain country where he manages to have some experiences with trapping beavers, fighting rogue Indians, surviving the freezing winter and even fighting the fiercer mountain men and finally celebrates his earned summer rendezvous.

Most exciting is the fact that the author gives the readers the chance to walk with the main characters as he first encounters enormous herd which initially fuelled his desire for adventure, and now clothes feed and houses the frontiers pioneers when he finally arrives at the Buffalo Palace. The story picks up where the first novel left off, and again the author sends his adorable character all the way from St. Louis to Missouri and from the Platte to the Rocky where he finally gets the chance to meet a trio of fur trappers.
Their barbaric leader starts a greenhorn and beats Titus savagely when he tries to confront him about pilfering his beaver pets. Unfortunately, Titus is too inexperienced to go alone and decides to stick with them until the others raft their pelts downstream abandoning him. He manages to survive his encounter with the Indians and finally manages to link up with other trappers. Finally Titus finds himself set up by the Blackfeet Indians, but fortunately for him, he is saved by a friendly Shoshone.

Crack in the Sky

Crack in the Sky is the third book in Titus Bass series by Terry C. Johnston that continues the story of the young Titus Bass as he steadily learns knowledge of the mountain man. From a strident meeting of trappers to a blistering confrontation with the Comanche, from the freezing winter chill to a chase with horse thieves under the scorching summer sun. Titus dreams of the West comes alive in the pages of this fantastic novel and its final pages, Titus il meet a young man named Josiah Paddock and form a strong friendship bond that is explored in the pages of the next installment Carry the Wind.

Crack in the Sky is fast-paced; brilliant novel will take you from season to season adventures with Titus Bass as he survives from being hunted down by his enemies and finally manages to make new friends.

Book Series In Order » Characters » Titus Bass

3 Responses to “Titus Bass”

  1. Jerry McGinness: 9 months ago

    Years ago I read “Carry the Wind” when it was first published and I continued to read each novel as they were published. Years later now I’m going to try and obtain and read the series again. I was born and raised in the Rocky Mountains so I have been to many of the locations described in the stories and I have always had an interest in the mountain men and the fur trade.

  2. marlean ann harvey: 2 years ago

    Thank you so much for this series in the “correct” order !!!

    • Graeme: 2 years ago

      You’re welcome 🙂


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