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Tom Papa Books In Order

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Publication Order of Non-Fiction Books

Your Dad Stole My Rake: And Other Family Dilemmas(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
You're Doing Great!: And Other Reasons to Stay Alive(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
We're All in This Together . . .: So Make Some Room(2023)Description / Buy at Amazon

Tom Papa
Tom Papa is a non-fiction writer, a stand-up comedian, producer, actor, and radio/television host. Papa’s career took off in 1993 when he started hosting and playing open mics at Stand-Up New York comedy club. In 2005, the author released his first comedy album, and he has never looked back. As he progressed in his comedy career, the talented comedian decided to go into writing. Papa published his first book in 2018, making it possible for his fans to enjoy more of his humor at their convenience. Away from the spotlight, Tom Papa is a husband and a dedicated family man.

Your Dad Stole My Rake
Your Dad Stole My Rake is a collection of stories centered on Tom Papa’s life. In these stories, the author air his views on the many topics that affect his life. According to Tom Papa, being a person is hard, especially if you have a family. Imagine a story with a host of bizarre ill-mannered characters. For many of us, that is our reality. Life puts us at the center of relatives with diverse habits, and often there is little we can do about choices. How do you maintain your sanity when you come from a large family with different beliefs, habits, and ways of life?

If you have a spouse and children, you can be sure that you are going to love this book. The same applies if your extended family comes complete with pets and uncles who add marijuana in everything they take. Some of the topics covered here include Wife Lie Detector, No Fighting Before Coffee, and Tiger Mon Versus Ice Cream Mom, to mention but a few. How do these topics relate to you? Pick this book and find out. If you do not learn anything at least, you will enjoy many laugh out moments, and that warm feeling left after reading a funny story.

The author’s stories and way with words make his work enjoyable and relatable. If you are his fan, this book presents you an opportunity to know him better. Papa’s writing is just as hilarious as his stand-up comedy, and the good thing is that this book offers you a good three hours of all that goodness. Get to know about Papa’s love for all things bread and his steps to recovery after losing his friend. Some parts of this book will leave you in stitches, while other bits will make you appreciate the people in your life. Tom Papa’s life mirrors most of our lives, and this book will make you reflect on anything from marriage to how to get along in American society in modern times.

Your Dad Stole My Rake is a warm and hilarious story that touches on almost every aspect of our modern-day lives. The author exposes everyone from grandparents who will not hear you until you yell to crazy aunts who will not stay away from your business. If anything, this book proves that your family will be a constant source of humor if you learn to take things easy. The author touches on most of the issues we deal with in a family setup in a humorous way. This book is perfect if you are looking for a smooth, non-offensive read that is sure to brighten your day. The writing is excellent, the flow is outstanding, and Papa is one compelling character.

You’re Doing Great!
You’re Doing Great! Paints a perfect picture of our lives today. Most of us are overwhelmed or fighting something, and as the days go by, things keep on getting worse. While life will never be perfect and problems are here to stay, we can all breathe easy. So, you did not get that job you wanted, or your five-year plan is not going as expected, what do you do? Life doesn’t have to be stressful, at least not all the time. However hard you work, you should always remember that life is not stopping for you. Taking a moment and looking around, you will make you realize that you are doing okay.
The truth is that these are exciting times. We live in a time where martini shakers, air conditioning, and airplanes are in plenty, so why not enjoy them all instead of waiting for something better. Often, we are so hard on ourselves, but if we were to re-evaluate, most of us would discover that we are not half as bad as we think. This book will make you look at your achievements differently and help you learn how to celebrate yourself. Take a break from your stressful environment as this is the only way to recharge and get better. While setting goals and being ambitious is great, this shouldn’t be the reason you continue to exist when there is so much to live for.

Each chapter in this book addresses an area you may want to improve on. The author offers some solid advice, but unlike your regular self-help book, this is not preachy. Through amusing anecdotes of Tom Papa’s life, you can learn to be kinder and less judgmental on yourself. In a society that encourages us to push ourselves beyond limits to prove that we are worthy of attention, this book reads like a breath of fresh air. Read through Papa’s achievements, mistakes, and lessons he has learned so far. You will not lack something to take home and implement in your life.

You’re Doing Great delivers a positive message with humor and wit. The book takes a light-hearted approach to the self-help genre that often encourages people to improve themselves in order to acquire perfection continually. In a world where many people often hear they are not enough, Tom Papa tells you that you are pretty great, so you should be easy on yourself. In short, this book is all about encouraging you to accept yourself, just like you are. This book is perfect if you are looking for something that reads like a warm hug. By the time you get to the last page, you will have laughed, smiled, and felt great about yourself.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Tom Papa

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