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Veronica Black Books In Order

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Publication Order of Sister Joan Mystery Books

A Vow of Silence(1990)Description / Buy at Amazon
A Vow of Chastity(1991)Description / Buy at Amazon
A Vow of Sanctity(1993)Description / Buy at Amazon
A Vow of Obedience(1994)Description / Buy at Amazon
A Vow of Devotion(1994)Description / Buy at Amazon
A Vow of Penance(1994)Description / Buy at Amazon
A Vow of Fidelity(1995)Description / Buy at Amazon
A Vow of Adoration(1996)Description / Buy at Amazon
A Vow of Poverty(1996)Description / Buy at Amazon
A Vow Of Compassion(1998)Description / Buy at Amazon
Vow Of Evil(2004)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Dangerous Inheritance(1969)Description / Buy at Amazon
Portrait of Sarah(1969)Description / Buy at Amazon
A Footfall in the Mist(1971)Description / Buy at Amazon
Fair Kilmeny(1972)Description / Buy at Amazon
Moonflete(1972)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Wayward Madonna(1972)Description / Buy at Amazon
Master of Malcarew(1973)Description / Buy at Amazon
Minstrel's Leap(1973)Description / Buy at Amazon
Enchanted Grotto(1973)Description / Buy at Amazon
Spin Me a Shadow(1974)Description / Buy at Amazon
House That Hated People(1974)Description / Buy at Amazon
Echo of Margaret(1978)Description / Buy at Amazon
Greengirl(1979)Description / Buy at Amazon
Pilgrim of Desire(1979)Description / Buy at Amazon
Flame in the Snow(1980)Description / Buy at Amazon
Lover Dark, Lady Fair(1982)Description / Buy at Amazon
Bond Wife(1986)Description / Buy at Amazon
Last Seen Wearing(1991)Description / Buy at Amazon
My Name is Polly Winter(1992)Description / Buy at Amazon
My Pilgrim Love(1997)Description / Buy at Amazon
Hoodman Blind(1999)Description / Buy at Amazon

About Veronica Black

As a writer, the Welsh author Maureen Peters was very much admired during her lifetime, having amassed a huge and impressive body of work. It was also the case that she would go under several different pen-names as well, from Catherine Darby, Elizabeth Law, and Belinda Grey, to Sharon Whitby, Judith Rothman, and Levanah Lloyd. All of these would focus on different genres, such as romance, history and the Gothic, showcasing a distinct genre style and approach for Peters. One particularly memorable name, though, was that of Veronica Black, under which she would write many different mystery novels.

Under her own name of Maureen Peters she was largely known for writing biographical fiction set around the royalty, but her black pen-name would become highly popular in its own right. Many would come to appreciate her use of suspense and tension, as she would would show a gift for building both of these throughout her stories. Knowing her audience, she really understand the format of the genre, pushing it to the full limit, and making the most of its potential. This could be seen reflected in her use of characters too, as many of them would essentially come alive off the page. Her ‘Sister Joan’ mystery series was testament to this, and has continued to rise in popularity ever since it was first published.

Early and Personal Life

Born in 1935 on the 3rd of March, Maureen Peters was born in Caernarvon, Wales, as she would go on the assume the pseudonym of Veronica Black. Taking many other pen-names as well, she would go on to write a number of mysteries using her Veronica Black moniker. Writing in many different genres, she was well regarded, at she would develop both her voice and her style, becoming an extremely versatile novelist.

Over the years she would divorce twice, while having two sons and two daughters, continuing to write all the time. Her name of Veronica Black would become a highly popular one and, in many ways, superseding her own in the intervening years. Leaving behind a legacy that continues on to this day, her work grows in prominence, as more and more readers discover her books everyday.

Writing Career

The first book that Maureen Peters would write under the name of Veronica Black would be ‘Dangerous Inheritance,’ and this would be written back in 1969. She would then write a number of other mystery titles using this pen-name, many of which were stand-alone titles focusing on the mystery genre. Then, in 1990, she would begin her ‘Sister Joan’ series of mystery novels using the pseudonym, starting with the novel ‘A Vow of Silence.’

This series would continue for eleven titles in total, finishing with the novel ‘A Vow of Evil’ in 2004, which would conclude the franchise. Overall Peters would write over a hundred novels during the course of her lifetime, and many of these would fall across a range of different genres. Her versatility as a writer was admired by many and still finds her fans from across the world to this very day.

A Vow of Obedience

Initially released in 1993, this would be published to much acclaim, setting up the fourth title in the Sister Joan Mystery series of novels. Operating entirely as a self-contained mystery, it managed to recapture a lot of what made the previous three books work so well, giving it something of its own. Published on the Kindle it manages to pave the way for the next book in the series to follow too, bringing another mystery once again.

Working as a solid mystery, this story really carries itself well, bringing in a lot of classic elements of the genre and making them its own. The characters, many of whom have been already established in previous novels, are here brought in once again. With its leading protagonist of Sister Joan as well, it definitely manages to re-establish her as a character too, allowing her to come alive off of the page.

Returning once more to her Cornwell convent following her retreat in Scotland, Sister Joan finds that the school she previously taught at has now been closed. That’s when she discovers the body of the previously missing sixteen year old schoolgirl Valerie within the now empty school, and she has been dressed all in white. It appears that a killer is on the loose, gripped by insanity, and they have a strong obsession to the convent of Sister Joan. Can she find the killer in time before they strike again? Why are they doing this and what’s driving them? Just who is behind a vow of obedience?

A Vow of Evil

Originally brought out through the ‘Ulverscroft’ publishing imprint, this would first come out in 2004 on the 28th of October. Marking the eleventh title in the long-running and highly popular ‘Sister Joan’ series of mystery novels, it follows on with another self-contained mystery. Carrying on in much the same manner as before, it would give her another mystery to solve, and they don’t have to be read in any particular order, although there is plenty for fans to keep up with.

There’s a dark tone to this story, much like the others in the series, and it’s handled with care and expert precision throughout. The story is engaging and Sister Joan herself still feels interesting at this point, despite having spent so long with her. Every turn of the page brings a new surprise, and the world it establishes feels highly immersive, with a rich and evocative atmosphere that’s almost a character in of itself.

It’s been a while since Sister Joan has last solved a murder, and it looks like she may soon have to solve one again. A devil has apparently been sighted in the churchyard nearby, and there’s been several acts of vandalism around the area, along with lit candles being left in the postulancy. Then Sister Joan discovers a body, followed by a younger police-officer going missing, and she must find out why. Can she discover the truth before it’s too late? Why is Sister Gabrielle acting suspiciously? Just who has taken a vow of evil?

Book Series In Order » Authors » Veronica Black

4 Responses to “Veronica Black”

  1. Kat Mortensen: 2 years ago

    I am so sorry to see this series come to its conclusion. I have enjoyed every book, every character, every storyline. I hope in a few years I’ll be able to revisit Sister Joan and The Daughters of Compassion again,

    If you’re Catholic, the fascinating world inside a cloister will surely resonate, and even if you’re not, the stories themselves and the locals, will undoubtedly hold your interest.

    Thank you, Veronica Black, aka Maureen Peters for a fine collection of novels. I just wish there had been more of them!

  2. Ann Tatum: 3 years ago

    I read this in order and went from one to the next as fast as I could. Finding out she’s dead makes me very sad as I thought there would be more. These actually made me more aware of saying my prayers and meditating. I loved these and began to feel very close to the characters.

  3. Manager: 3 years ago

    “As the book begins, it seemed a gentle whodunit, as it went on, it turned into a psychological twisting tale that was quite creepy. Looking forward to reading more from Veronica Black .” Susan THE DETECTIVE Sister Joan is thirty-five and a natural rebel. Coming late to her vocation, she still remembers life outside the convent. But having left behind her lover to serve God, she is now committed to her path. When her Mother Superior sends her to the Cornwall House, her loyalties are split — but she knows her ultimate duty is to the truth. SISTER JOAN MYSTERY SERIES Book 1: A VOW OF SILENCE Book 2: A VOW OF CHASTITY Book 3: A VOW OF SANCTITY Book 4: A VOW OF OBEDIENCE Book 5: A VOW OF PENANCE Book 6: A VOW OF DEVOTION Book 7: A VOW OF FIDELITY Book 8: A VOW OF POVERTY Book 9: A VOW OF ADORATION Book 10: A VOW OF COMPASSION Book 11: A VOW OF EVIL

  4. Hillery Ingram-Smith: 3 years ago

    I have so very much enjoyed the Sister Joan series and am devastated that having read through to book 11, have come to the end of the series.

    My warmest thanks,


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