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Vladimir Megre Books In Order

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Publication Order of The Ringing Cedars of Russia Books

Anastasia(1996)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Ringing Cedars of Russia(1997)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Space of Love(1998)Description / Buy at Amazon
Co-Creation(1999)Description / Buy at Amazon
Who Are We?(2000)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Book of Kin(2002)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Energy of Life(2002)Description / Buy at Amazon
The New Civilization(2005)Description / Buy at Amazon
Rites of Love(2006)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Collections

Parables by Vladimir Megre(1863)Description / Buy at Amazon

Vladimir Megre is a successful author and entrepreneur from Ukraine who writes the Anastasia series of books; Megre’s books are autobiographical in nature. They talk about his life, the things he has seen and heard, and his opinions on the family, the community, and the nation.

Vladimir Megre was born in 1950 in Chernigov Oblast in Ukraine. His home was the small village of Kuznicki; that is where he grew up. The author has many memories of his grandmother because the two of them spent so much time together when he was young.

The old woman was a village healer with a notable reputation. But Megre also has vivid memories of the days he spent visiting Father Feodorit, a monk who lived at the Trinity-Sergiev Monastery in Sergiev Posad.

The visits had such a powerful impact on the author that he made mention of them in his books, highlighting the effect they had on his eventual spiritual transformation.

Vladimir Megre matured early. By the time he was sixteen, the author had left home, having moved to Novosibirsk. By the mid-1980s, Megre had a wife and a daughter.

He was still living in Novosibirsk when the communist system collapsed. Like other Russian Capitalists in his community, the author wasted little time in launching his entrepreneurial career.

Megre realized that he had a mind for business several years earlier when he worked as a photographer, a camera operator, and even a film director and he noticed that he was earning much greater profits from his work than his peers in the industry.

Megre knew how to manipulate the financial arena to work for him. So he put that talent to good use in the 1980s by not only forming commercial co-operatives but also leasing river streamers and making trading voyages along the Ob River (North of Novosibirsk).

The author’s inspiration for his book series (The Ringing Cedars of Russia) was sparked on one such trip. Vladimir Megre met two older gentlemen who told him about a supposedly ringing and humming cedar tree that had not only been around for several centuries but which also boasted amazing healing properties.

Megre was fascinated by the story. So he went on his way, finished his business and then returned. Rather than finding the two gentlemen, though, Megre was met by a young woman who identified the gentlemen as her grandfather and great-grandfather.

The woman was happy to take Megre to see the miracle Cedar tree. Though, over the course of their journey, Vladimir Megre found the woman to be the far more fascinating subject, primarily because she lived an isolated but contented life in the Taiga forest.

Megre spent three days with his mystery woman. In that time, she told him all she knew, opening his mind to the secrets of the forest, nature, and the universe. The woman told Megre that the knowledge she had revealed to him came from ancient times but modern society had stifled it over the decades and centuries.

It probably came as quite the shock to the people that knew him when Megre returned from his journey into the Taiga forest having decided that he would abandon his successful business career to write a book detailing his experience with his mystery woman.

Megre believed that the wisdom he had acquired had to be passed on. He has also admitted that the mysterious woman insisted that he take the drastic course of action.

Megre’s attempt at pursuing his new purpose in life wasn’t without its challenges. He eventually lost all his money and his marriage collapsed. Megre survived the period that followed only because his adult daughter (Polina) and some Moscow University students helped him.

He mentioned most of them by name when he wrote and finally published ‘Anastasia’, his first book in 1996. Megre’s publishing story is a rare one. He remembers having to depend on the generosity of a print shop manager just to get his manuscript bound and packaged.

And even then, it was Megre’s own hands and feet that walked the subway stations of Moscow selling individual copies of ‘Anastasia’. There was no real reason for Vladimir Megre to garner the success that eventually came his way.

After all, he wasn’t the only author in Moscow forcing his books on random strangers on the streets. But Megre’s first literary work was clearly something special because many of the people who read it came back to him and asked to buy additional copies for their friends and neighbors.

Megre printed 2000 copies of ‘Anastasia’ and he ran out in a short time. With the help of a donor, Megre printed even more books that launched him into the literary stratosphere.

Vladimir Megre was a pretty successful businessman when he took a trading voyage to the Taiga in Siberia in 1995. The entrepreneur thought he understood the ways of the world. But then he encountered the ringing cedar trees and everything changed.

Guided by a woman called Anastasia who shared with him her unique perspective on life and the universe, Megre found his entire outlook changing. He began to understand love, and sexuality and religion and so much more.

By the time he left the Taiga, Megre was a new man. He abandoned his commercial undertakings, became a penniless author and put his mind to the task of writing a book that could best represent the spiritual wisdom that Anastasia had given to him.

This book tells Megre’s story. It takes readers on the author’s life-changing journey.

+Ringing Cedars of Russia
Megre’s first book took readers on the trip to the Taiga that changed the author’s life. Its sequel takes readers behind the scenes. It shows them the hardships that the author had to endure to write and publish his first book.

The volume also builds upon the concepts that Vladimir Megre introduced in the first book, ideas that explore life and the universe at large. Megre shows readers what he thinks of space, time and the spiritual realm.

He does so through additional anecdotes from his life. He shows his audience that humanity suffers because it has chosen to ignore the wisdom of its ancestors.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Vladimir Megre

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