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The Walk Books In Order

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Publication Order of Walk Books

About The Walk Books In Order:

The Walk is a series by Richard Paul Evans, who has written a number of other books that are not related to this series. His claim to fame is having self published a children’s Christmas book that was later traditionally published to massive acclaim, even reaching Number 1 on The New York Times Best Seller list for both paperback and hardcover, simultaneously. His series of books called The Walk is about a man named Alan Christoffersen, who has lost everything.

The sad story of The Walk begins with Alan Christoffersen’s wife being thrown from a horse, causing her to be paralyzed from the waist down. As if this isn’t enough pain and torment for their relationship already, she unfortunately dies of complications when she is about to be able to come home. Alan Christoffersen has lost everything, what is he to do?

Al loses even more than his wife, because having the need to take care of his wife while she is sick, he is forced to hand over the proverbial keys to the business entirely to his partner, whom he trusts implicitly. This turns out to be a terrible decision for Al, who loses everything as is business partner steals all of their longterm clients and runs off to start a new ad agency, leaving poor Alan Christoffersen with nothing.

In remarkably short time Alan Christoffersen has lost everything he had to live for. His wife died terrible, thanks to a freak horse throwing accident. His business partner ruined his business, leaving him behind with absolutely nothing to show for it. And on her death bed, his wife made him promise her that he would live on. This is Alan Christoffersen’s story, the protagonist of the series The Walk.

Book One: The Walk

The first book in the series is The Walk, which as you already know, centers around how Alan Christoffersen ends up in such unfortunate circumstances. Alan Christoffersen has run out of things to lose and doesn’t know what he should do with himself. Finally, he decides to walk. It sounds simple enough, but this is no ordinary jaunt down the block. Instead, he decides to walk to the furthest point he can think of. From his home in Seattle, Washington he decides to commit to walking to Key West, Florida, bringing with him only the most bare of essentials.

As he travels he meets interesting and inspiring characters, causing this first book in the series to be more than just entertaining; it is eventful, inspiring, and motivational to anyone that reads it.

Book Two: Miles to Go

The second book in Richard-Paul Evan’s series about Alan Christoffersen’s long walk across the country is Miles to Go. This time he wakes up in a Hospital in Spokane, Washington. Having started his long, torturous journey across the country on foot he had met an unfortunate stabbing early in his trek. How without a home or anyone to help him and facing what could be many months of struggle to recover from his injuries, he has no idea what it is that he can do to help himself.

As he describes it himself, “Several months after I was stabbed, mugged and left unconscious along the shoulder of Washington’s-Highway 2, a friend asked me what being-stabbed felt like. I told her it hurt.” It is clear from Richard Paul Evan’s writing style, as well as the personality of the protagonist, Alan Christoffersen, that there is a certain sense of dry wit and almost-black humor that offsets the miserable circumstances that Christoffersen is so brutally placed in.

This is the continuation of Alan Christoffersen’s long journey across the country, a painful trek that calls for deep soul searching on behalf of the character, as well as a similar force of thought from anyone that beings to read the book. Richard Paul Evans, again, has created a book that is as painful as it is cathartic, and encourages its readers to search deep within themselves. A highly motivational read with a lot of interesting and insightful characters to learn from.

Book Three: The Road-to-Grace

Richard Paul Evans’ series continues where it left off with the next installment, The Road-to-Grace. Now he is almost halfway across the country, this time headed from South Dakota to St. Louis, still completely determined to finish what he has started.

A common recurring theme in The Walk-series is that the characters Alan Christoffersen comes across along his journey are exactly who he needs to meet at that particularly time. As this often seems to be the case in real life, he is forced to think deeply on the insights of strangers as they often are able to help him probe more deeply into his problems and realize what he is supposed to learn. This also is part of the allure of the series for readers everywhere, as his prose invites its readers to question their own lives as well and contemplate the wisdom of the strange but brilliant characters that Alan Christoffersen meets along-the-way.

As is typical in The Walk-series, The Road-to-Grace is filled with little bits of wisdom and truth that help Alan Christoffersen as he makes his long trek across the entire country. Readers find The Road-to-Grace to be at least as compelling as the other books in the series, with brilliant discoveries constantly popping up along the way.

The Walk Series

With five installments in this series total, it takes readers on a breathtaking journey across the entire country as Alan Christoffersen continues to pursue his dream of walking from Seattle, Washington all the way to Key West, Florida – a mission most people would assume was simply impossible.

As Al travels the country he continues to meet new and interesting characters along the way, these characters and their backstories and wisdom form the spine of what The Walk series is about. Learning that hard-won wisdom is frequently the best advice, and that finding your way is often not as spiritually moving as the journey is itself.

Gaining more and more readers at every step of the journey, The Walk series is a long, sometimes painful journey of one man who has lost everything and decides to leave it all to just walk across the country one step at a time.

Book Series In Order » Characters » The Walk

One Response to “The Walk”

  1. Mysie (Watson) McJannet: 6 years ago

    Just finished reading Evan’s book ‘If Only’,,,,poignant and pure and inspiring ,despite the sad topic


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