Wingfeather Saga Books In Order
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On the Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness | (2008) | Description / Buy at Amazon |
North! or Be Eaten | (2009) | Description / Buy at Amazon |
The Monster in the Hollows | (2011) | Description / Buy at Amazon |
Pembrick's Creaturepedia (Companion Novel) | (2014) | Description / Buy at Amazon |
The Warden and the Wolf King | (2014) | Description / Buy at Amazon |
Wingfeather Tales 1 | (2016) | Description / Buy at Amazon |
Wingfeather Tales 2 | (2016) | Description / Buy at Amazon |
A Ranger's Guide to Glipwood Forest | (2023) | Description / Buy at Amazon |
Wingfeather Saga is a series of fantasy novels written by an American author of young adult, science fiction and fantasy books Andrew Peterson. The series tells of the transformations and the adventures of a family known as Igiby as they discover the secrets of their family history, escape from the evil Fangs of Dangs who are occupying their country of Skree where the Igibys were raised, and a place in their world. Andrew Peterson began the publication of Wingfeather Saga series in 2008 when On the Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness, the first book in the series was published. The series lasted four books concluding in 2014 when The Warden and the Wolf King the fourth novel in the series was published.
On the Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness
Once upon a time in a cottage above the mountains on the Dark Sea of Darkness, there lived three siblings and their dog Nugget. Janner his siblings Leeli and Tink are gifted as all children are, loved by an ex-pirate father and their noble mother. But they will require all their gifts and every single bit of that love to survive an evil force that has crossed the dark sea to rule the land and pursue the Igibys who have a secret to the lost jewels and legend of King Wingfeather of the Shining Isle of Anniera.
Andrew Peterson has woven a riveting, quirky tale of the Igibys adventures from Crannies Bookstore, Glipwood’s Dragon Day Festival to the very edge of the Ice Prairies. Full of characters rich in courage, heart, and smarts, this debut novel presents a world of wonders and a story that children of all ages will love, read aloud, and readers will cherish for its layers of meaning about life’s meaning of true treasure.
It is evidently clear from the introduction that we have an oppressed people living a shadow of real life. The reader also gets to know well that this is the story about the good against the evil and the characters we are about to adore so much are suffering. The first section of the novel uses quirkiness and humor to reveal this tension and just like any other good epic novel, this home setting is seasoned with questions about purpose, identity, and intention. The characters are crafted with a promise that they will eventually fill in as the story progresses, but they themselves have much to learn about their history and how that will impact their future.
North! Or Be Eaten
This is the second book in Wingfeather Saga series by Andrew Peterson. The novel introduces readers to Leeli Igiby and Janner Tink who thought they were normal children with normal lives and a normal past. However, now they know they are the Lost Jewels of Anniera and the heirs of the kingdom across the sea, and suddenly everyone seems focused on killing them.
For their survival, they must go to the safety of the Ice Prairies where the lizard-like creatures cannot follow. But first they must flee from the monsters of Glipwood Forest, then the thieving Stranders of the East Bend and the dreaded Fork Factory. Even more deadly is the jealousy and bitterness that threaten to bring them down and Janner, and his younger siblings must adapt and learn the hard way that a family’s love is more important than anything else.
The second book in Wingfeather Saga series is a wonderful read. Andrew Peterson has done an excellent job in creating characters are beautifully crafted. Janer is still trying to be the responsible older brother while Tink is trying to be the strong willing younger brother while Leeli is the still the kind and sweet little sister. They are all still likable and developing compared to the previous book.
Peterson did an excellent job in balancing `the addition of new characters with the development of the characters in the first book in the series. The events in the novel take place in Aewiar, a twisted world that introduces its troubles and weird monsters with cheek. As the story progresses, even creepier creatures are introduced each with even a deeper and darker nature. The truth behind The Nameless One and the Fangs of Dang is twisted and tear-jerking.
The main characters are truly delightful. All the three heroes are children and even though they are young, (the oldest being 12 years), their maturity is far beyond their years, as the story progresses. Additionally, there is also a fantastic host of adult characters, including the main characters pirate grandfather and their queenly mother.
The pacing is beautifully done, and the author does take some risks all which pay off. He places his characters in real danger. Tink and Janner’s relationship is beautifully done with Janner trying to protect his young brother because of the position he is thrust into.
The Monster in the Hollows
Janner’s father was the king of Anniera. But now his father is gone, and the kingdom has fallen. The royal family is on the move, and the armies of Gnag are close behind. Janner and his beloved family hope to find a haven in the last safe place in the world; a place known as the Green Hollows- a land fortified by warriors feared even by Fangs of Dang.
However there is one huge problem, Janner’s little brother, the heir to the throne, has grown a tail and a gray fur and not to mention his long pointed ears and the dangerous fangs. To the suspicious people of the Green Hollows, he resembles a monster. However, Janner knows better about his little brother and he is isn’t scary as his appearances.
The third novel in Wingfeather Saga series is a beautiful read. Andrew Peterson isn’t only just a singer/songwriter; he is also a master and creative storyteller and once again has woven a fantastic tale of incredible beauty and depth intertwined with themes of loyalty, love, and self-sacrifice.
Peterson characters act and talk true to life; they are likable and relatable. The Monster in the Hollows plotline is unique, original and quite page turning. If you enjoy reading fantasy books, then The Wingfeather Saga series is an ideal read for you.