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Zecharia Sitchin Books In Order

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Publication Order of Earth Chronicles Books

The 12th Planet(1976)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Stairway to Heaven(1980)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Wars of Gods and Men(1985)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Lost Realms(1990)Description / Buy at Amazon
When Time Began(1993)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Cosmic Code(1998)Description / Buy at Amazon
The End of Days(2007)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Earth Chronicles Companion Books

Genesis Revisited(1990)Description / Buy at Amazon
Divine Encounters(1995)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Earth Chronicles Handbook(2009)Description / Buy at Amazon
There Were Giants Upon the Earth(2010)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Earth Chronicles Expeditions Books

The Earth Chronicles Expeditions(2007)Description / Buy at Amazon
Journeys to the Mythical Past(2007)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

The Lost Book of Enki(2001)Description / Buy at Amazon
The King Who Refused to Die(2013)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Anunnaki Chronicles(2015)Description / Buy at Amazon

Zecharia Sitchin is a non-fiction author best known for the Earth Chronicle series. This series tries to answer the basic questions humankind has been unable to answer for generations. Born and raised in Palestine, Sitchin acquired skills in reading ancient Hebrew, among other sematic languages from an early age. Thanks to these skills, Sitchin has been instrumental in translating most of the stone tablets collected in various historical sites. While Sitchin majored in economic history in school, he worked as an editor and journalist in Israel for years before he started writing. Most of Sitchin’s work has been translated into different languages and even converted into braille.

The 12TH Planet

The 12th Planet is the first book in the Earth Chronicles series. The book is centered on the startling evidence that advanced extraterrestrials inhabited the world. This book contains the indisputable documentary evidence of a mysterious planet named Nibiru. This evidence points out that astronauts from the planet of Nibiru came to fashion mankind to be like them. The extraterrestrials interest on the earth is because of the presence of gold that they need on their planet. The man was created to be a slave to these creatures.

This book is a product of over thirty year’s research. In this book, the tales of creation include the Deluge and the Tower of Babel are treated as facts and not myths. However, the author tells these stories in a different light. While the arguments are solid, Sitchin is clear that he is only taking ancient myths and doing his best to interpret them literally. In his narration, the author answers many questions regarding the origin of humanity. All his arguments are supported by ancient writings as well as historical facts.

Most of the theories on creation come with a lot of mysteries and unanswered questions. This book will make you question your belief system as it opens your mind to the possibility that what you were told could be inaccurate. To strengthen his argument, the author points out the details contained in the bible that were plagiarized from older non-Christian texts. The author also gives precise translations of the writings found in stone tablets written thousands of years ago. These details, coupled with the historical information included in this book, make a strong case, and it is easy to see sense and understand where the author is coming from.

From his writing, it is clear that Zecharia Sitchin is a talented writer. He is able to tell a clear narration using pieces of tales passed down generations. If you are curious about the origin of mankind and want a different angle on all the creation theories, the 12th planet is ideal. As long as you maintain an open mind, you will enjoy this book to the end. The points the author highlights will go beyond your imagination, meaning that you cannot read this book in a single sitting. The information is well researched, and the details are much deeper than what you will find in an average novel.

For a book this detailed, the pace is excellent. The theories are quite exciting, and Sitchin’s storytelling ability is nothing but exemplary. A worthy investment that will give you a broader perspective on life, our origin, and what happened to those who came before us.

The Stairway to Heaven

The Stairway to Heaven is the second book in the Earth Chronicle series. This book ponders on the incomprehensible mysteries surrounding life, the universe and the afterlife. Could there be a place on earth where men join immortal Gods after death? What is this place, and who established it?
The information in this book is derived from ancient texts, artifacts, and archeological discoveries. The author identifies the land of Gods and provides astounding revelations on the Sphinx, the Pyramids, and other monuments whose purpose and meaning have been lost over time. One of the facts that are clear in this book is that the ancient man was more intelligent than he is credited. It is also clear that the human search for immortality started eons ago.

Just like the first book in this series, The Stairway to heaven is an illuminating read. The first part of the book comprises of data and facts to support the ideas the author writes about. The second part of the book comes with an eloquent story that tries to piece events and explain a few of the questions that people have on the origin of humankind. The story starts with the search for a paradise where the tree of life is located. The book also highlights the stories of those who claimed that their ancestors were immortal. The author compares these stories with the tales of Pharaohs and their journey to meet their ancestors.

This book shows the similarities in tales concerning what happens after death. According to the author, humankind’s search for immortality is not a new phenomenon. Man has gone to extra lengths in search of the place where immortality can be found.

While the author argues his case on extraterrestrial species in the first book, this second piece delves into specifics. The details include information on the Egyptian pyramids and the role of these architectural wonders in ancient times. The book compares the historical claims made by Egyptians and those made by the Sumerians. Get ready to stretch your imagination and get another dimension to the origin of humanity. This book also attempts to make the reader understand some of the events that happened in the past. You will get to learn that the staff that mosses carried in the bible wasn’t just a stick but a teleportation device, among other interesting facts.

Zecharia’s expertise in interpreting ancient Akkadian, and Sumerian tablets continue to become evident. While the information here may seem far-fetched, it is clear that the author has done his homework. Are you curious to know what happens to you after you die? Pick The Stairway to Heaven for a compelling argument on this, among other questions we have about our lives. To get the best out of this piece, read it with an open mind.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Zecharia Sitchin

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