Books I Read In October 2014
Book links take you to Amazon. As an Amazon Associate I earn money from qualifying purchases. I think the saddest thing – and a clear indicator of getting old(although I’m only 33!) is that I can barely remember the books I read in the past 30 days.
Immediately upon writing this article, I have to go and find my Kindle and figure out just what the hell I actually read in the past month. That’s pretty sad.
Regular readers will know I went on vacation for a week, and I wrote an article 10 Books I Plan On Reading On Vacation.
Unfortunately, out of the 10 books on that list? I read one.
Well, sort of. I got absolutely HOOKED on the Sam Capra series of books. I started reading that on the plane – the first book – and yeah, I was completely hooked and I ended up buying the rest of the books in that series and reading all of them.
Holy crap are they good books. If you like Reacher, Rapp, that sort of thing – you should love these. They’re done extremely well, set up an awesome emotional connection with the reader and hook you practically from the beginning.
The first book in the series is called Adrenaline. You’ll be absolutely hooked on this series – trust me on that one.
Damn was it ever good. And now I am anxiously awaiting more in that series.
Such an awesome feeling discovering a new author. Just sad he only has 4 books. I still think how cool it must be to discover Jack Reacher for the first time for example – read Killing Floor then release holy moley he has 19 other books!
Dark Places: I had read the book Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn and really enjoyed it so wanted to try another. Sharp Objects is the one that gets the highest reviews so I went with Dark Places. Thoroughly enjoyed it.
I also saw Gone Girl in the movie theatres. Damn was I impressed with that movie – so very, very impressed. Just one of the best book to movie transitions I’ve seen honestly. I felt it remained very true to the book, didn’t cut out too much but did awesome standalone – meaning if you hadn’t read the book, you’d still thoroughly enjoy it.
Interestingly from talking to friends who watched the movie THEN tried to read Gone Girl – they couldn’t. They struggled, and they gave up. Probably because when you’ve seen the movie you know everything going on.
Whew – that was sadly all I read last month. Yikes. I was just too focused on work and running this website to read I guess. With it getting colder here in November and December and the snow coming, hopefully I’ll have more time to relax and drink a hot chocolate with marshmallows while reading.
What did you read in October 2014?
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