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May 2024: Books I Read Last Month

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Written by Graeme

April was a nice reading month for me. I was still extremely busy with work – I’m spending 60 hours a week JUST on Book Notification – but I was able to squeeze in a lot of reading.

Portals by Douglas E. Richards: My book of the month. Even if you aren’t a big sci-fi fan, 100% read this book. Superb that’s all I’ll say.

The Road by Cormac McCarthy: Absolutely loved this one. The writing was poetic and just beautiful. I really enjoyed the story – just wish for a better ending. Watched the adaptation as well and thought it was superb.

The Teacher by Freida McFadden: The usual additive psychological thriller by Freida, involving a high school student having an affair with a teacher. The final act got a bit silly, but still a great read.

One by One by Freida McFadden: Possibly the best Freida book I’ve read yet and I’ve read most of them. Superb. A group of friends going away for a week to a fancy resort, but they get lost in the wilderness, and one by one they get killed off. Fantastic book.

The Inheritance Games by Jennifer Lynn Barnes: Big fan of the Hunger games so the title of this book always intrigued me when I was in bookstores. I loved the cover too. This was a very enjoyable read, and I’ll read the rest in this series for sure.

The Only Survivors by Megan Miranda: Listened to this one, about a group who get together on the anniversary of a time where their high school bus crashed and many other kids died. They were the only survivors. I thought it was decent. First time reading Megan, will give her another try for sure.

Don’t Let Her Stay by Nicola Sanders: Listened to this one. A good book made GREAT thanks to the narration. Major props to Penelope Rawlins for that. Her narration of Chloe was superb.

Book Series In Order » Blog » May 2024: Books I Read Last Month

One Response to “May 2024: Books I Read Last Month”

  1. Shirl: 5 months ago

    I love your Swift River series and I am now reading the last one Stone Bridges.Hope to see more of this series.


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